Friday night’s Coronation Street and Pride came to town, with the episode becoming something of a special to mark the occasion.
And what a treat – and feast for the eyes – it was, with the Street’s young uns transforming into the Golden Girls, Glenda out-camping all the LGBT community in Weatherfield AND the Drag Race guests, and Paul delivering the finest one-liner since Blanche battle-axed her way across the cobbles.
Read more: Peter Barlow’s killer exit storyline revealed?
As well as Pride, there was proper high drama as Peter remembered his Navy roots in time to rescue Carla from Ryan in full roid rage, and Jenny basically stuck her hand up and volunteered to become Stephen’s next victim!
Anyway, with lots to take in, there were lots of observations about last night’s episode…
1. Where has Billy’s tan come from?
Seriously, he got darker (more orange) as the episode went on… extra Porridge for breakfast? Sneaky spray tan for Pride he’d not had chance to shower off? He was out-glowing his mood lighting at one point.
I see Billy has almost completed his tranformation into David Dickinson.. #Corrie
— Kenzie (@FreakyLilReader) August 25, 2023

2. Ryan’s on the roids and Peter’s been at the spinach
Corrie’s been playing up Peter as a bit of an old man in recent weeks with his grandad glasses and cardi (still would…) but he remembered his Popeye roots last night when he quick-as-a-flash pinned Ryan to the wall as he flew into a rage at Carla.
Peter the sailor man , and Ryan the roidy going ten bells !! #Corrie #CoronationStreet
— Paul (@PaulDKennington) August 25, 2023
3. Peter needs to go to SpecSavers (or eat more carrots)
His prescription needs checking for sure – how the hell did he miss all those steroids in Ryan’s drawer?
Peter missing all of Ryan’s steroids in his drawers #Corrie
— Dan 🔰 (@Dee_Cee95x) August 25, 2023
4. Glenda out-dragging the Drag Race queens
Camper than an entire chorus line on one of her Cruise liners, Glenda secured her position as Queen of the MotherCamp. “Camp as a picnic basket, camp as a leather tent, camp as a handbag full of rainbows” – she said it! When is Corrie going to give her an actual storyline of her own – we need to see this woman wailing on the Rovers floor with a broken heart before rising like a Phoenix in a tornado of glitter belting out I Will Survive.
Drag queens and Glenda in the Rovers #Corrie
— Tony (@AntMelia94) August 25, 2023

5. Paul might be slowly dying but he’s killing the one-liners
When fun vacuum Billy caught up with him in the Rovers after he went missing for hours, Paul deadpanned: “Hi honey, I’m homo.” Outstanding. (Actually recycled from a Marcus and Sean scene in 2013, trivia gatherers.)
Hi honey I’m homo!
Could #Corrie be any camper tonight 😂— suzyallthatglitters (@suzyglitter1) August 25, 2023
6. Just Jenny with her head on the block?
This woman seriously needs to read some self-help books on ‘being whole’ without a relationship/man in her life – if she survives whatever she’s getting into with serial killer Stephen. Bet she’s not even washed Owen off her sheets yet. Last night she looked disturbingly overwhelmed – in a good way! – to be welcomed to the Platt family… which surely will only end one way.
Skeletor is planning on sticking Jenny in the wheelie bin 🙂🙂 #corrie
— Chodbinladen_X (@Chodbinladen_X) August 25, 2023
Read more: Complete Coronation Street cast list 2023 – meet them all here!
Coronation Street usually airs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8pm on ITV.
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