In Coronation Street spoilers tonight (Friday February 2, 2023), Eileen returns to the cobbles as she arrives back from Thailand.
As she returns, her gift to Todd causes quite a stir.
How does Eileen cause chaos on her return in Coronation Street spoilers tonight?

Coronation Street spoilers: Eileen returns
Tonight, Eileen returns back to Weatherfield after her trip away to Thailand.
She’s welcomed home by her family.
After she settles in, she gifts Todd some boxing gloves and tells him to try them out.
George and Todd start fighting each other but things take a turn for the worse.
George swings at Todd and cracks his tooth.
Sean sees that Todd’s in pain and books him an appointment with Laurence.
Will Sean come to regret that decision?

Coronation Street spoilers: Sam gets into a fight
Sam looks up to Damon and asks him for some tips on how to fight.
Damon happily gives him some before telling Nick to take a drug delivery into the Bistro.
At school, bully Conny approaches Sam but this time Sam fights back.
Nick and Leanne are shocked when the school inform them that Sam’s been fighting someone.
Back at the Bistro, Sam explains how Damon gave him some fighting tips.
Nick is furious but Leanne doesn’t see why Nick’s so mad at Damon.
Nick then has no choice but to tell Leanne about Damon being Harvey’s brother and that he’s dealing drugs in their restaurant.
Will Leanne forgive Nick for keeping this secret from her?

Justin gives Daisy an ultimatum
Daniel spots Justin in the street and makes it clear that he’s to stay away from Daisy.
Later on, Justin ignores Daniel’s message and approaches Daisy in the Rovers’ beer garden.
He gives her an ultimatum.
He’ll stay away from her for a while if she ends things with Daniel.
Daisy tries to push this to the back of her mind and gets stuck into wedding planning instead.
But, should Daisy be telling the police about Justin’s behaviour?

Coronation Street spoilers: Fiz calls a meeting with Beth
Fiz asks Beth if they could have a meeting with Hope to find out exactly what happened.
Hope comes home and is furious that her parents don’t believe that Beth slapped her.
She storms out in a strop.
Did Beth slap Hope?

Bernie becomes a pro at golf
Dev’s golfing partner lets him down so he turns to Bernie to play with him instead.
Bernie’s full of pride afterwards as she tells Chesney how she beat Dev at golf.
Dev’s a sore loser.
Later on, in The Rovers, Bernie gets a call from the women’s golf captain asking her to come to next week’s trials.
Dev tries to act happy for Bernie but he’s secretly bitter.
Do we sense a golfing rivalry coming on?
Read more: Complete Coronation Street cast list 2023 – meet them all here!
Coronation Street usually airs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8pm on ITV.
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