Toyah looks shocked on Corrie; inset, soap logo (Credit: ITV/Composite: ED!)

Coronation Street spoilers: Toyah arrested for murder

The past catches up with Toyah.

Our Coronation Street spoilers reveal that the police arrest Toyah Battersby for murder after finding the body of her child in Weatherfield park. This follows a recent revelation that Toyah gave birth to her rapist’s stillborn baby – burying it in the park.

Can she explain her way out of a prison sentence?

Meanwhile, as Simon leaves Weatherfield, Rowan’s influence grows. As Toyah and Nick attempt to extricate her from the Institute, the organisation hits back.

Can Nick and Toyah save Leanne? And is the timing of Toyah’s arrest somehow linked?

Read our Coronation Street spoilers for this storyline in full below.

Corrie: Leanne points and shouts at Nick
Leanne is angry to learn that Simon is leaving – and blames Nick and Toyah (Credit: ITV)

Coronation Street spoilers: Goodbye Simon

Leanne is upset when Simon tells her that he’s leaving Weatherfield, to join Peter on his yacht. She explodes at Nick, furious that no-one bothered to tell her while she was away with the Institute.

Nick tells her that he left a message with Rowan explaining the situation – which he obviously didn’t pass on.

Leanne is upset as Simon leaves Corrie, Toyah and Nick look on with concern, Simon is getting into a cab
With Simon gone, the door is wide open for the Institute (Credit: ITV)

Leanne is furious at her family, accusing Nick and Toyah of conspiring together behind her back.

After wishing Simon a sad farewell, Leanne chats to someone on her laptop. She tells them that now Simon is gone, she’s all alone and wishes that she could be with them instead.

Corrie's Toyah Battersby looks worried to receive an official letter
The Institute reach out to Toyah… and it’s not good news (Credit: ITV)

Toyah makes a dangerous enemy

Meanwhile, Bethany tells Toyah that a colleague of hers once tried to write an exposé about the Institute. She explains that the Institution had their investigation shut down and silenced.

At the flat, Rowan pops by to see Leanne. He shows her Toyah’s negative posts about the Institute, infuriating Leanne.

Corrie's Toyah Battersby looks worried to receive an official letter
Toyah learns that the Institute has decided to sue her (Credit: ITV)

Back at the Bistro, a courier gives Toyah a hand-delivered letter. It explains that the Institute are suing her for defamation and taking out an injunction.

Back at the flat, Toyah overhears Leanne talking to someone on her laptop. She hears Leanne tell whoever she is talking to that she loves them.

Leanne denies that she had been talking to Rowan.

Toyah looks upset as Kit arrives to arrest her in Coronation Street
As Toyah tries to reach Leanne, Kit pops by for a visit (Credit: ITV)

Kit arrests Toyah for murder

Toyah tells Nick what she overheard. He is appalled when he returns home to find Leanne and Rowan holding hands on the sofa. How will she explain this one?

Toyah looks upset as Kit arrives to arrest her in Coronation Street
The police explain to Toyah that she’s under arrest… for murder (Credit: ITV)

As Toyah begs Leanne to open her eyes, the confrontation is suddenly interrupted. The police arrive, wanting to speak to Toyah.

Kit then arrests Toyah for murder – having found the body of a baby in Weatherfield park.

What will Toyah do?

Read more: Who’s leaving Coronation Street in 2024? Complete list of cast exits, arrivals and returns

6 exciting Coronation Street spoilers for next week (27th-31st May)

Coronation Street usually airs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8pm on ITV.

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Joel Harley
Freelance Writer