Coronation Street's Peter Barlow is serious

Coronation Street: Will Peter Barlow ever return? – here’s all we know

Peter's living it up on a yacht...

In tonight’s episode of Coronation Street (Friday, May 24), Simon reveals to Carla that his dad has offered him a job on the yacht.

He then proceeds to show Carla some photographs, one being of Peter with his arm around another woman.

But, as Peter is mentioned, will he ever return to the cobbles? Here’s what we know about a potential comeback…

Coronation Street: Carla and Simon look at photos on his phone in the cafe, she looks taken aback.
Carla misses her ex (Credit: ITV)

Coronation Street: Carla misses Peter

Viewers of Corrie will know that Peter and Carla decided to go their separate ways on Boxing Day, 2023.

Peter decided to live his dreams and headed off to join his mate on a yacht, travelling around the world.

Carla didn’t want to tie Peter down and kissed him goodbye. She then turned her back on him as he got the tram out of Weatherfield.

Now, five months after their parting, Simon reveals that he’s been offered a job joining his dad on the yacht.

After Carla admits to Sarah that she misses Peter, Simon then shows her a photo of Peter. She’s devastated as she sees him with his arm around another woman…

Peter looking angry on Corrie
The door was left open… (Credit: ITV)

Will Peter ever come back to the cobbles?

The soap decided against killing Peter off which means that the door is very much open for a return should there ever be one.

When he initially left the cobbles, Peter Barlow actor Chris Gascoyne told BBC News: “Of course I’ve not ruled [a return] out, it’s been such a part of my life.

“I’ve grown up with so many people there but I need a rest and to look to do something different, I’m not getting any younger.”


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The actor has gone on to star in panto since his Corrie departure, but a soap return hasn’t been ruled out.

In current Corrie storylines, it seems that Carla may develop a spark with DS Swain as a friendship starts to form. But, is Carla ready to move on from Peter? And, could Peter ever return to the soap in the future?

Read more: Who’s leaving Coronation Street in 2024?

6 exciting Coronation Street spoilers for next week (27th-31st May)

Coronation Street usually airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV.

Do you miss Peter Barlow on Coronation Street? Leave us a comment on our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix and let us know what you think.

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Tamzin Meyer
Assistant Soap Editor