Stacey Slater sexual assault speech

EastEnders fans applaud Stacey’s passionate speech about sexual assault

Women across the UK praised the character for telling it like it is...

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Stacey Slater has spoken for women across the globe in a heartfelt speech about sexual assault – and they have thanked her for it.

In emotional scenes shown last night (Tuesday 20 November), Stacey gave husband Martin Fowler a few home truths about what it’s really “like to be a woman living in this world”.

Stacey Slater speech about sexual assault
You. Go. Girl. (Credit: BBC)

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Fans watched and fist pumped the air as Stacey explained how females are often abused, raped or molested by the people that are closest to them.

As Martin listened open-mouthed and shocked, Stacey explained that it’s on “home turf” that women are often most vulnerable.

She launched into the empowering speech in an effort to get Martin to see her side, as he still remains doubtful over Ruby’s rape claims.

Martin Fowler doesn't believe Ruby was raped?
Martin just can’t believe his mates raped Ruby… (Credit: BBC)

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During a heated argument, which many woman could sadly relate to, she told her stunned husband: “You have no idea what it’s like to be a woman in this world.

“All the shouting and whistling and leering and touching. All the time. It’s like white noise.

“That’s why you don’t believe anyone like you, anyone you know, could do this.”

Stacey Slater gives passionate speech about sexual assault
Stacey Slater: The next female PM? (Credit: BBC)

Last month, Stacey’s friend Ruby Allen was raped by Martin’s old school friend after a drunken school reunion.

Viewers know that Ruby consented to have sex with one friend, but later awoke to discover another of the group was in bed with her.

Since then, Stacey – a rape victim herself – has stood by her old friend, while Martin has stayed loyal to his friends and doubted Ruby’s story.

Martin has struggled to see Ruby’s side of things since her ordeal (Credit: BBC)

In a desperate attempt to get her husband to see her side, Stacey continued: “We know that the bad man out there ain’t a stranger.

“He’s the man you lived with, who mows your lawn, who buys you a drink.

“He’s your mate, your boyfriend, your brother. The bloke you go clubbing with.

“Normal, every day men, Martin. They’re the ones that hurt you, that rape you, that kill you.

“Do you know the most dangerous place for a woman to be? Home turf. That’s where the real monsters are.”

Stacey Slater speech about sexual assault
Bravo, Stacey, bravo (Credit: BBC)

Fans rushed to Twitter to applaud Stacey’s speech, thank the scriptwriters and praise actress Lacey Turner for her performance.

One wrote: “Wow, I don’t normally watch #Eastenders but happened to see it tonight and so glad I did, to catch Stacey’s powerful, moving dialogue about rape. Hard truths to hear. Bloody hell, incredible writing, and brilliantly performed @LaceyTurner.”

Another added: “That was one hell of a speech from Stacey about #rape and home turf being the most dangerous place. Impressive #EastEnders.”

A third typed: “I don’t usually take much notice of #EastEnders but I watched it tonight and Stacey’s speech about consent and inequality that women face on a daily basis was absolutely brilliant! If you haven’t seen it, definitely check it out. #IBelieveHer.”

“Stacey’s speech to Martin about being a woman in this world needs to be said more often,” said another.

More called the speech “spot on”, “epic” and “one hundred percent right”.

Ruby is upset by the online comments (Credit: BBC)

Next week’s EastEnders sees yet another twist in Ruby’s rape storyline when the whole of Albert Square finds out what happened on the night she was attacked.

Ruby’s week gets off to a positive start when she learns that Ross and Matt have both been charged, but her relief doesn’t last long after spotting that her case is all over the front page of the Walford Gazette.

Despite the fact she isn’t named in the paper, Ruby panics that everyone is going to work it out and is gutted later that evening when she discovers vicious comments online, doubting her side of the story.

How did Stacey Slater’s speech make you feel? Leave us a comment on our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix and let us know what you think!

Helen Fear
TV Editor

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