EastEnders first look comp image week 21: Lauren, Whitney, Freddie, Zack (Credit: BBC/Comp ED!)

EastEnders spoilers for next week: First look as Whitney left devastated at her wedding

Britney can't keep the secret

EastEnders spoilers for next week see Whitney’s world come crashing down as the truth about Zack and Lauren is revealed. At their wedding. Will she forgive or is this truly it?

Meanwhile, there’s two big returns – Freddie and Big Mo Slater are back! And it’s anything but a quiet return.

All this and more in next week’s EastEnders spoilers.

1. Zack begs Britney to keep quiet

Zack is anxious in EastEnders

Zack, Whitney and baby Dolly are home and happy, but when Britney arrives, Zack worries. He gets her alone and pleads with her to keep quiet about Lauren. Their conversation is put on hold, however, when Zack realises he forgot to tell the Square the wedding was cancelled.

2. The wedding is back on

Bianca looks furious with worried Zack in EastEnders

Whitney decides the wedding is back on, but Zack is overcome with guilt over what happened with Lauren. He waits at the alter for Whit, but will he crack?

Lauren looks anxious as she walks down the aisle with beaming Whitney in EastEnders

Meanwhile, Lauren and Whitney have a heart to heart, causing Lauren’s guilt to rise too. The pair make it to the ceremony and Whitney looks radiant as she heads down the aisle.

Lauren looks anxious as she walks down the aisle with beaming Whitney in EastEnders

When Lily tells Britney about how much heartbreak Whitney has had, Britney decides she has to keep quiet and lets the wedding go ahead.

Zack and Whitney prepare to say their vows in EastEnders

Zack and Whitney beam as they say their vows. But Britney can’t contain herself and blurts out that Zack slept with Lauren.

3. Will Whitney believe Britney?

Zack looks worried in EastEnders

Zack is shell shocked as Whitney reels at Britney’s revelation. Will Whit believe her? And will she still marry Zack?

4. Bianca falls out with Vinny

Vinny and Bianca row in the cafe in EastEnders

At the cafe, Vinny is not happy with Bianca. A row breaks out, but what is it about?

More EastEnders spoilers

4. Freddie and Big Mo are back!

Mo and Freddie look worried in EastEnders

Kat thinks someone has broken in, but when Alfie confronts them with a toy baseball bat he discovers it’s Mo and Freddie! But why are they back?

Freddie and Mo catch up excitedly in EastEnders

Jean and Kat are delighted they have returned. But before long Freddie starts to feel sidelined.

Bobby and Anna kiss in EastEnders

Especially when he sees Bobby and Anna kissing in the Square.

Freddie Slater looks thoughtful outside the Minute Mart

Freddie realises there’s no room at Alfie’s and he’ll have to move into No.31. Later, Kat suggests she move out so Freddie can move back in with Alfie.

Kat Slater, Alfie Moon and Freddie Slater look stressed in The Queen Vic

But Freddie is determined to get Kat and Alfie back together. He puts an end to Kat’s proposed move.

5. Junior bonds with the Knights in EastEnders spoilers

Gina and Anna look annoyed and confused in EastEnders

Anna reaches out to Junior and invites him to Walford. He soon arrives and George is jealous to see him bonding with Gina and Anna.

Junior looks thoughtful in EastEnders

However it’s not long before Junior’s secret family are revealed. As the Knights bond with his wife and son, there’s still tension with George.

Gina smiles at brother Junior and his family in the cafe in EastEnders

Elaine invites them to move into The Vic. Gina tries to talk him around and after some persuasion Junior agrees to stick around.

6. Monique helps George

Monique smiles in EastEnders

George and Monique spend some time together along with his grandson, Xavier. Monique reveals she is of Ghanian heritage and offers to help George connect to his culture.

7. EastEnders spoilers Big Mo sets her sights on Stevie

Big Mo Slater flirts with Stevie Mitchell in The Queen Vic

Stevie and Mo hit it off in The Vic. It’s clear she wants to get her claws into him and it’s not long before they are heading back to No.31.

Read more: Who is leaving EastEnders this year?

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EastEnders usually airs Monday to Thursday at 7.30pm on BBC One.

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Carena Crawford
Associate Editor (Soaps)