Emmerdale's Charity, DI Bails, and Tom King

Emmerdale star Emma Atkins teases Charity and DI Bails link to potential Tom downfall

Charity recognises the signs

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Charity becomes suspicious of Tom’s behaviour towards Belle in Emmerdale spoilers for next week, and now Emma Atkins has teased that Charity may be Tom’s downfall.

With Charity becoming concerned about Belle, she tries to get to the truth.

Emma Atkins has now suggested that Charity’s past history may help her rumble Tom’s abuse of Belle.

Charity talks to Belle on Emmerdale
Charity starts to question Belle (Credit: ITV)

Emmerdale: Charity becomes suspicious of Tom

In upcoming Emmerdale spoilers, the Dingles start to have concerns about Belle’s relationship with Tom.

Charity catches Belle alone and tries to get her to open up. With Belle emotional, she spots Tom in the distance and shoves Charity away.

Tom tells Charity that Belle is struggling with her mental health as the Dingles worry that Charity is overreacting.

With Tom planning on taking Belle to a remote part of Wales as he interviews for a new job there, Charity tries to apologise to Belle.

Tom then suggests to Belle that they go on a cottage holiday. But, was Charity right to be worried? What does Tom have planned?

Emmerdale's Emma Atkins
Emma has teased how Charity’s past could help Belle (Credit: ITV)

Emmerdale star Emma Atkins teases Charity’s rumbling of Tom

With Charity onto Belle, Emma Atkins has teased that Charity may rumble Tom’s abuse of her relative due to recognising the signs of abuse herself.

Charity’s past history with abusive men (such as DI Bails) may help her to see a part of her old self in a struggling Belle, urging her to get to the truth.

Referring to Charity’s past experience with Bails, Emma shared: “I felt that if anyone was going to recognise those signs of abuse, it probably would be Charity, because she’s lived and breathed it in her past. She starts to notice behavioural changes in Belle.”

With Charity recognising signs of abuse in Belle, Emma then added: “She’s onto him [Tom], and I think that’s going to excite the audience in a way, because everybody’s saying ‘when is he going to get found out?’ So I think they’ll enjoy the fact that someone’s onto him, finally!”

But, with Belle failing to open up to Charity, will Charity back off and leave things alone? Or, will she continue to push for the truth?

Read more: Who’s leaving Emmerdale in 2024? Cast exits, arrivals and returns

6 exciting Emmerdale spoilers for next week (July 1st-5th)

Emmerdale usually airs on weekdays at 7.30pm, with an hour long episode on Thursdays

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Tamzin Meyer
Assistant Soap Editor