M,atty looks worried on Emmerdale; inset, Samson looking pained (Credit: ITV/Composite: ED!)

Emmerdale spoilers: Matty stabs Samson

What has Matty done?

Our Emmerdale spoilers reveal that, as an altercation breaks out between Matty and Josh, Samson is caught in the firing line – and Matty stabs him. This comes at the end of a tense face-off between Josh and Matty.

When Josh tries to rob the Hide, Matty fights back. However, this leads to him accidentally stabbing Samson.

Will Samson survive? And what consequences will Matty face?

Read our Emmerdale spoilers for this storyline in full below.

Josh and Samson look happy as they talk to Lydia and Sam in Emmerdale
Samson and Josh have big plans, but Lydia isn’t so happy (Credit: ITV(

Emmerdale spoilers: Samson and Josh hit the town

Lydia is worried about Samson’s plans to head around Europe by car with his new friend Josh. Secretly, she hopes he’ll fail his driving test… and that the second-hand car Sam gives him won’t be up to the trip.

However, Samson is thrilled when Cain gives his motor the seal of approval. Samson rolls up without his ‘L’ plates, and Josh announces that Samson passed his test.

Amy smiles at Josh and Samson in The Hide in Emmerdale
Josh flirts with Amy in the HOP (Credit: ITV)

Samson is annoyed by Lydia’s clearly insincere congratulations. As the pair celebrate afterwards, Josh shows interest in the newly-married Amy.

Feeling dismissed by Sarah, he hits on Amy again. Struggling to cope with Josh’s incessant flirting, Amy leaves work early.

Matty and Amy in Emmerdale look unimpressed with Josh and Samson
Matty gives the teens their marching orders (Credit: ITV)

Aggressive Josh clashes with Matty

Afterwards, Matty shares some home truths with Josh. He tells Josh and Samson to leave the Hide, making Josh embarrassed.

Josh’s sense of humiliation grows, with him growing increasingly hostile towards Matty. After dead-naming and threatening Matty, he starts threatening him to give up the money in the Hide till.

Samson and Josh shout at Matty threateningly in Emmerdale
Josh and Matty face off (Credit: ITV)

Matty stabs Samson

The stand-off escalates until Josh shoves Samson into Matty. Matty inadvertently stabs Samson with the knife that he was holding.

With Samson bleeding out, Josh accuses Matty of coming at them with the knife. Matty is horrified when Josh twists the narrative, making him look like the aggressor.

Josh pushes Samson into Matty and Samson is stabbed in Emmerdale spoilers
Samson is caught on the wrong end of Matty’s knife (Credit: ITV)

What consequences will he face for ‘stabbing’ Samson?

Read more: Who’s leaving Emmerdale in 2024? Complete list of cast exits, arrivals and returns.

3 huge Emmerdale spoilers for next week (27th-31st May)

Emmerdale usually airs on weekdays at 7.30pm, with an hour long episode on Thursdays.

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Joel Harley
Freelance Writer