Tom hitting pregnant Belle in Emmerdale

Emmerdale: Tom attempting to hit pregnant Belle was vile, fans rage

They want Belle to leave her abuser as soon as she can!

Emmerdale fans are finding Tom King’s control and abuse of new wife Belle a hard watch, not surprisingly.

Tom’s aggression towards poor Belle has stepped up recently, with him not only physically attacking her, but also playing mind games, making her doubt herself and manipulating her.

He even went as far as drugging super cute pup Piper in order to get Belle to return from the mental health unit.

All in all, Emmerdale has not been a lot of fun to watch, with viewers finding it very tough going.

Wendy counsels upset Belle at the doctor's surgery in Emmerdale
Belle found out she was pregnant (Credit: ITV)

Pregnant Belle

Now things have stepped up to even more shocking levels and the stakes have been raised as Belle discovered she is pregnant.

Belle was clearly conflicted as she went to the doctor’s surgery to take a pregnancy test and Wendy delivered the news.

She didn’t tell her husband at first, still agonising over what to do for the best.

But then Tom took the decision out of her hands.

Tom behaves threateningly to Belle Dingle in Emmerdale
Tom ranted at Belle (Credit: ITV)

Emmerdale: Violence for Tom and Belle!

In heartbreaking scenes last night (Tuesday, June 11), Tom came home furious that Belle had told big brother Cain about selling their car. He ranted at Belle and raised his hand to hit her.

The terrified mum-to-be shrank back on the sofa and yelled that she was pregnant to stop his attack.

The fans were shocked at the dark turn the already upsetting storyline had taken, and begged Belle to leave.

“Get rid of him, please,” one fan wrote on social media. While another said “the revulsion I have for Tom is real.”

“Tom is a violent, controlling abuser,” another viewer shared.

And one fan had a dark prediction for where the storyline might go next, asking: “How long will Belle being pregnant stop Tom from hitting her?”

Read more: Who’s leaving Emmerdale in 2024?

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Emmerdale usually airs weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV, with an hour episode on Thursdays.

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Kerry Barrett
Freelance Soap Writer