Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story tells the in-depth true cases of Jeffrey Dahmer’s victims and their families – including the devastating story of Tony Hughes.
The Netflix series has left viewers heartbroken after focusing on Jeffrey Dahmer‘s deaf and mute victim, Tony Hughes.
Tony was described as a cheerful and sweet aspiring model…
Tragically, his life was cut short when he encountered serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, aka the infamous Milwaukee Monster.
So who was Jeffrey Dahmer victim Tony Hughes and what happened to him?
Here’s what we know about the devastating story of Jeffrey Dahmer’s deaf victim.

Who was Jeffrey Dahmer’s deaf victim Tony Hughes?
The Netflix series describes how Tony Hughes permanently lost his hearing as a baby.
Sadly, he was unable to hear again as a result of being given antibiotics as a newborn.
He was also known to be mute and only communicated through sign language or pen and paper.
Tony’s mother, Shirley Hughes, described her son as “outgoing and happy” who made friends with everyone.
Tony was also an aspiring model who moved to Madison for college in the hope of breaking into the fashion and modelling industry.
However, according to the series, Tony Hughes struggled to find work because he was deaf.
So instead, he ended up finding work at a clothing store.
And that’s where he met Jeffrey Dahmer.
Jeffrey was on the hunt for his next victim.
How did Jeffrey Dahmer meet Tony Hughes?
In 1991, Tony met the cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer at a gay bar in Milwaukee.
Tony was said to be visiting family in Madison at the time.
After meeting the serial killer, Tony Hughes agreed to go back to Jeffrey’s apartment.
After spending the night at Jeffrey’s apartment, Tony rushed to work in a hurry the next morning and the Milwaukee Monster surprisingly let him go.
But tragically, he returned to Jeffrey’s apartment to pick up his keys.
How did Jeffrey Dahmer kill Tony Hughes?
Jeffrey let Tony back into his apartment, where the model was then murdered and dismembered.
Once inside Jeffrey’s apartment of horrors, the serial killer drugged him and strangled him to death.
Tony’s body was then reportedly dissolved in acid.
Horrifying, Jeffrey kept his skull as a keepsake.

Did Jeffrey Dahmer and Tony Hughes date?
In the Netflix show, Tony Hughes and Jeffrey Dahmer are shown to have had a romantic relationship together.
After they crossed paths at a Milwaukee bar, Tony told Jeffrey that he had to “earn him” before he went back to his apartment.
This meant going on dates.
Tony even took Jeffrey to one of his modelling photoshoots.
Eventually, Tony Hughes ended up at Jeffrey’s apartment and the pair spent the night together.
However, we cannot confirm that this happened in real life.
Although, some witnesses have recounted that Jeffrey and Tony knew each other a year before he was murdered.
Tony’s mother, Shirley Hughes, told The Associated Press that she was unable to contact her son and his friend in Milwaukee, who’s first name was Jeffrey.
Where are Tony Hughes’s family now?
According to reports at the time of the trial, Shirley Hughes sat at Jeffrey Dahmer’s trial every single day with the families of the other victims.
They were also part of a support group run by Career Youth Development Inc, for families who lost their loved ones to violence.
One of the counsellors said that Shirley had been working hard to concentrate on her family and religion, despite her immense grief and pain.
After her son’s tragic death, Shirley also admirably began to focus her efforts on helping other grieving families.
Read more: Was Jeffrey Dahmer’s hernia operation to blame for his violent and criminal behaviour?
Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story is currently available to watch on Netflix.
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