Obviously we’re huge soap fans here at ED! but even we have to admit there are some characters in our fave shows who have seen better days. Here’s our round-up of soap characters we think should be given their cards…
1. Sean Tully

He’s Corrie’s answer to Mary Poppins, but all he seems to do is have his heart broken by a series of unsuitable men and moan about work. It’s definitely time for Sean to move on to pastures new.
2. Kirk Sutherland

We love Beth, and we love Craig, but poor Kirk adds nothing to Coronation Street. He’s boring, and we can’t remember the last time he had a proper storyline. Maybe he could go and visit his family in Cyprus… for a looooong time.
3. Dev Alahan

He used to be at the centre of some pretty exciting storylines – remember the brilliance of Mad Maya? But now he’s just part of the background in Corrie. Even his romance with Gina can’t save him…
4. Tina Carter

Shirley summed it up recently when she told her sister that she didn’t know what she was. “One minute you’re a lesbian, the next you’re a marriage wrecker,” she said. What’s the point of Tina, exactly? We’re not sure – so she’s on our list.
5. Sonia Jackson

We suppose she’s quite useful in a medical crisis, but other than that all Sonia seems to do is look down her nose at people and give Stacey a hard time. We think it’s time she headed back to Kettering. Quick smart.
6. Michelle Fowler

It was exciting, wasn’t it, when we heard the iconic Michelle Fowler was heading back to Albert Square? And then it turned out she’d had a creepy affair with one of her pupils. Urgh. She spent Christmas in Australia with daughter Vicki – and we think Down Under might be the best place for her.
Read more: EastEnders fans unite in their love for Shirley Carter
7. Victoria Barton

We LOVE Vic. We loved her and Adam, and we love her and Robert, but, for crying out loud, she needs something to do. Since Adam scarpered, she’s become the village’s babysitter spending all her time with Isaac or Seb. She needs a hot new love interest and she needs one now. Over to you, Joe Tate…
8. Rodney Blackstock

We really feel that Magic Rod needs to take his ‘special’ powers and head off on a long, long cruise. Mostly so we don’t need to hear any more stories about him spending hours in a hot tub.
Read more: Corrie killer Pat Phelan lines up his next victim
9. and 10. Jimmy and Nicola King

It’s sweet that their marriage has survived so long, and they’re very supportive of each other. But OMG they are the MOST annoying couple in Soapland and frankly the less we know about Jimmy’s problems in the bedroom, the better. These Kings have lost their crowns.