10 Years Younger in 10 Days

10 Years Younger In 10 Days viewers stunned by woman’s transformation

Amanda opened up about her insecurities

10 Years Younger In 10 Days viewers were left amazed by a woman’s transformation on the show last night.

Amanda, 56, suffered a lifetime of abuse and lost her confidence due to a recent illness which aged her.

She explained that two years ago, she was “vibrant” and could walk into a place with her “head up high”.

However, Amanda said she now felt she had an “old, haggered, tired-looking face” and that makes her feel “sad”.

10 Years Younger in 10 Days
Amanda admitted feeling “very low” about the way she looked (Credit: Channel 5)

What happened on 10 Years Younger In 10 Days?

Speaking about her illness, Amanda explained: “I lost almost three stone in two months. I feel very low because of the way I look.

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“All I see now is lines, sunken face, bad teeth. I believe it’s my own insecurities and because I look like I look at the moment, I’m feeling those insecurities coming back.”

Members of the public were then asked how old they think Amanda was, with many saying late 50s and early 60s.

Amanda said her biggest insecurity was her teeth, as it reminds her of “past traumas”.

She admitted: “My teeth make me feel ashamed. I hate them. When I was 11, my life totally changed.

“From a happy school girl to traumatic, horrid things happening. I have suffered a lot of abuse, some physical. When I was 17, my bottom teeth were knocked out.

“I was ashamed to have a denture at 17 years old. That has stayed with me all my life.”

10 Years Younger in 10 Days
Amanda’s transformation wowed viewers (Credit: Channel 5)

Amanda also revealed she started smoking at 12 and was smoking “20 a day” by the age of 13.

She said she was smoking for over 40 years.

At the end of the programme, Amanda showed off her incredible transformation after having her teeth done and “surgery-free treatments” on her skin.

Amanda looked overwhelmed as she saw her transformation for the first time.

She admitted: “I can’t remember the last time I stood tall and proud.”

What did viewers say?

Viewers were stunned by Amanda’s incredible new look.

One person said on Twitter: “Amanda looks amazing I hope she feels more confident now.”

Anotehr gushed: “Amanda looks amazing.”

One added: “Amanda is ace I want to hug her.”

10 Years Younger in 10 Days continues next Thursday at 9pm on Channel 5.

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Rebecca Carter
Associate Editor (News)

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