24 Hours in Police Custody PREVIEW – alleged stalking victim horrified by dozens of “secret” photos

Channel 4 documentary tells both sides of the story

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A single woman living in fear is left stunned when officers reveal dozens of photos of her taken by an alleged stalker without her knowledge, on tonight’s 24 Hours in Police Custody.

Frightened Deborah claims former friend Kish, who she describes as a “wolf in sheep’s clothing”, became obsessed with her.

She accuses him of following her every move, bombarding her with gifts and phone calls, and even slashing her friends’ and family’s car tyres.


And Deborah, whose boyfriend died three years earlier, is horrified when officers show her 79 photos taken by Kish at a wedding, of which just three or four were not of her.

Kish vehemently denies any wrongdoing and insists Deborah is lying, despite previously pleading guilty to assaulting her friend Tina, which landed him with community service and a fine.

The married father-of-two was eventually charged with stalking Deborah, but magistrates ruled there was insufficient evidence and threw out the case.

Kish was charged but eventually cleared (Credit: Channel 4)

Read more: 24 Hours in Police Custody PREVIEW – HIV scare for drugs-case cop

Deborah says on the programme: “I would probably get five, six, seven phone calls from him a day, every day, and it seems that everywhere I went he knew where I was.

“He would be behind me, sometimes a few cars back. I would be looking in my mirror thinking ‘What’s he doing?’.

“As soon as I take my dogs outside he would just turn up. He would just drive up outside as if he was just driving down the road, but he must have been watching me from somewhere.”


She says he looked a different person when she first knew him and that he was very helpful.

“He always had rosy cheeks and kind eyes. And then he just changed,” says Deborah.

“The more I pushed him away, the more intense he became. He was like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

“And that’s the bit that scares me, that’s the bit that worries me.

“Is he that confused and twisted that he might consider doing something really bad?”

Police interview Kish (Credit: Channel 4)

Despite CCTV showing Kish opening the gate to enter Deborah’s driveway uninvited and staying there for five minutes, he insisted he never stalked her.

He said: “When you help somebody and they plan to put you in a mess, it hurts you inside. It’s all lies. I’m an innocent guy.

“I learned a lesson now, not to help anybody. The more you help, the more you get yourself in trouble.”

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The programme reveals that stalking is involved in a staggering 94 per cent of cases where a man kills a woman.

PC Jason Horne led the inquiry (Credit: Channel 4)

PC Jason Horne, who led the investigation, said: “It’s one of those crimes that can start from nothing, literally nothing, just someone sending you a couple of text messages, and then it ramps up.

“It can suddenly get out of hand and serious harm can come to our victim. We want to get in there before it escalates.

“If we think there’s a risk, if we think something might happen, we’ve got to act.”

Four months after filming, following a second breach of his bail not to contact Deborah or her friends, Kish was charged with stalking.

But when the case came to trial, the court decided there was not enough evidence and Kish was formally cleared.

* 24 Hours in Police Custody is on Channel 4 at 9pm tonight.

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor