Ann Widdecombe branded VINDICTIVE in nominations shake-up

This won't make her any more popular

Celebrity Big Brother housemate Ann Widdecome has been called “vindictive” as she puts Maggie Oliver up for elimination.

After winning a driving challenge ahead of tonight’s elimination episode, Ann elected to save controversial comedian Daniel O’Reilly – known by stage name Dapper Laughs, and replace him with former police chief Maggie.

Read more: Celebrity Big Brother viewers cringe over Rachel Johnson’s “embarrassing” behaviour

Ann and Daniel were both up for elimination, alongside Rachel Johnson, Andrew Brady, and John Barnes, with two of the five set to leave in tonight’s show.

But the five celebrities were given the chance the save themselves or one of the others with the Big Brother Driving School challenge.

They were paired up and set against each other in teams, as they spent two days trying to conquer the task.

The challenge saw Ann direct Daniel around a go kart course as he attempted to drive blindfolded. The pair were crowned winners of the challenge with 180 points.

As winners, they had the chance to save one of the five nominated housemates and replace them with anyone else in the house.

Ann made the decision to save her driving partner Danie, and replace him with Maggie – admitting she knew this would make her “most unpopular person in the house.”

“I only nominate people who I think have been unkind to others, therefore if she weren’t immune Ashley would have been top of my hit list for her treatment of Jonny.”

She went on to say her decision was the result of an earlier challenge that saw the men of the house suffer through the pain of simulated labour.

“Because she laughed when others were in pain – I nominate Maggie,” she said.

A shocked Maggie responded to her choice, saying “I know what you’re referring to.

“When Andrew was playing up in the pregnancy test putting on a show, but it’s a game. All I can say, I wasn’t laughing to be unkind.

“I do think it was a bit vindictive rather than a game.”

Maggie – best known for her part in exposing the Rochdale child abuse ring, and who left the GMP after deciding it had failed victims – headed to the diary room to open up about her feelings.

“I am upset, but I’m not surprised,” she said. “As an MP she’s used to making unpopular decisions.

“There’s a very uncomfortable feeling in the house. We’ll have to get along and have to be civil with each other but there’s a little bit of awkwardness.

“I definitely feel now I couldn’t trust her.”

Read more: Celebrity Big Brother housemate launches unexpected rant at Ann Widdecombe

Maggie, Ann, John, Andrew and Rachel now have their fates in the hands of the public, as voting takes place to decide which two will leave.

The results will be revealed tonight on Channel 5.

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor