Ben Thompson and Victoria Fritz on BBC Breakfast today

BBC Breakfast host risks putting viewers off their toast as she retches on air

Not what many want to see early in the morning

BBC Breakfast host Victoria Fritz risked putting viewers off their toast with her behaviour on the show today (Wednesday, August 3).

The 38-year-old presenter confused viewers – and her co-host Ben Thompson – when she pretended to retch live on air.

Ben Thompson and Victoria Fritz on BBC Breakfast today
Ben and Victoria discussed a weird story on today’s show (Credit: BBC)

What happened on BBC Breakfast today?

Towards the beginning of today’s show, Ben and Victoria took a look at the morning papers.

One story that caught the interest of Ben was about a woman who hasn’t cut her fingernails in 25 years.

Her nails are now over 42ft long – which is actually longer than a double-decker bus.

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The 63-year-old’s story may have interested some viewers, but it seemed to churn Victoria’s stomach, judging by her reaction.

And it seems that Ben forgot that some viewers were still only just eating their breakfast when he showed the picture of the nails in question.

“Can we just show you this picture? Because it’s kind of amazing but also a little bit disgusting,” he said.

Ben Thompson and Victoria Fritz on BBC Breakfast
Victoria couldn’t hide her disgust over the pictures (Credit: BBC)

Victoria Fritz retches

Ben’s co-host, Victoria, made her feelings clear about the story straight away, sticking her tongue out and retching.

Ignoring her, Ben powered on, saying: “42-foot fingernails. Can you see them? You need to sort of get the full sense of… Those are the fingernails.”

Holding up the paper, Ben showed viewers the picture of the woman with the longest nails in the world.

“Just so you’ve got some sense of scale, this woman is actually… she’s standing on a flight of stairs and they’re actually longer than her. Crazy,” Victoria said once she’d composed herself.

“She’s been growing them for 25 years,” Ben explained.

Ben Thompson and Victoria Fritz on BBC Breakfast today
Ben and Victoria got a little cheeky too (Credit: BBC)

Stomach churning story on Breakfast

Ben and Victoria then confessed that they’d been discussing what the woman could do with 42ft long nails.

“She says her kids and her grandkids help her polish them – it takes up to five hours, apparently,” Ben said as Victoria pulled a face.

“Yeah, I’m really confused and worried by that. Sorry,” Ben said.

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“Yeah. You don’t even want to know what we were talking about, the things you wouldn’t be able to do! But you can just imagine,” Victoria smirked.

“I’m sure people can imagine!” Ben replied.

“We’ll leave it like that. It’s quite early in the morning, isn’t it Ben?” she laughed, clearly fearing she’d put viewers off their breakfast!

Longest Fingernails EVER! - Guinness World Records

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Robert Emlyn Slater
Senior Writer

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