Britain's Best Parent

Britain’s Best Parent: Mum and dad who admit to smacking their kids through to final

Part of their approach to discipline

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Viewers were horrified last night over two parents who admitted to smacking their children to discipline them on Channel 4 show Britain’s Best Parent.

During Thursday (June 4) evening’s episode, viewers met mum and dad Nicky and David and their three children.

What did they say?

David explained: “You have to be strict because we’re trying to raise great people, great leaders. If you let them run riot and do what they want, you risk raising a bunch of criminals.”

Britain's Best Parent
Britain’s Best Parent viewers were shocked that David and Nicky smack their children (Credit: Channel 4)

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Nicky said: “We’re not afraid to demonstrate that discipline. We believe in being friendly to the kids but not necessarily their friends.”

When it was revealed that their approach to discipline includes smacking, the point was debated in the studio with the other parents.

Mum Mia said: “We don’t believe in any form of physical violence towards children… we don’t believe you need to do that to get children to behave.”

Not violence?

But Nicky argued: “You use the word violence… we never even said hitting…”

Britain's Best Parent
Nicky and David were chosen as the winners (Credit: Channel 4)

Adam, Mia’s partner, said: “But smacking it hitting, surely?”

As the discussion progressed, Nicky and David admitted that they didn’t have to resort to smacking their children very often.

In the end, the studio audience preferred their parenting style to the styles of the other parents, as they picked Nicky and David to go through to the final.

Britain's Best Parent
The couple are through to the final of Britain’s Best Parent (Credit: Channel 4)

What did viewers think?

Reacting on Twitter, one viewer said: “#britainsbestparent OMG can’t believe they won, SMACKING a child in this day and age. It takes me back to my childhood.”

Another wrote: “Cannot believe the parents who openly admitted to smacking their children just won #Britainsbestparent. Discipline is complicated and challenging for everyone involved, but smacking should NEVER even be considered. Horrified.”

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A third tweeted simply: “…and you lost me at using smacking as discipline #Britainsbestparent.”

Someone else said: “So last week, the parents who believed husbands should be dominant won the audience vote. This week, the audience picked the couple who believe in smacking. Seems like we have gone back to the 1950s.”

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Not everyone disagreed with Nicky and David’s parenting style, though.

“Huge difference between smacking and beating,” one said. “I’d get a smack if I was very very naughty or put myself in massive danger.. I turned out perfectly fine. Never in trouble with the police… Knew friends who got away with all kinds of shit as kids..Now in prison.”

“I [disagreed with smacking] and didn’t skelp my kids but now they walk all over me.”

ED! has contacted Channel 4 for comment.

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Nancy Brown
Acting Editor