Casualty’s Dylan Keogh faces alcoholism battle as Ethan Hardy steps up as Clinical Lead

And can he get the help he needs?

After battling his secret drink problem for the last few months following the stress of hiding, and finally losing his refugee stowaway Sanosi, it seems that Casualty’s consultant, Dylan Keogh, could be about to be found out.

Over the past few weeks we have seen Dylan drinking whilst on duty, even stashing alcohol in his desk drawer.

But last week it was all starting to get too much leading to Dylan handing in his notice as Clinical Lead of the ED.

Tonight’s episode sees his alcoholism spiral out of control while he deals with a family domestic violence situation and the victim’s young son.

It also sees new Clinical Lead of the department, and recently promoted consultant Ethan Hardy, put in a difficult position with his staff.

When nurse Louise sees Dylan so drunk and out of it whilst she’s working on Holby’s mobile ARC (alcohol recovery centre), she’s concerned when he turns up for work the next morning.

With Dylan acting strangely whilst in resus, Louise tries to speak to him.

But when he refuses to listen, she raises her concerns with Ethan who is forced to start his new leadership role with a confrontation with his predecessor.

But will the power his new role brings, see him make a decision that could change Dylan’s life forever?

Actor William Beck revealed to What’s On TV earlier this month that he tries to not take his rather complex character home with him.

He said: “I relax with extreme and vigorous exercise. You build up a lot of adrenaline and more often than not there’s nowhere to put it. I work out as much as I can – not that it’s visibly evident.

“You try to get as far away from the job as you possibly can. It’s important not to take him home, he’s not the kind of person you want to take home with you.”

Also in tonight’s ep, Connie Beauchamp is on the ward, but this time as a patient and befriends fellow cancer patient Maggie, played by former EastEnders star Lin Blakely, best known as Pam Coker.

Casualty is on BBC One at 8.20pm

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor

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