Celebrity Big Brother viewers slam “odd” new eviction night changes

It was certainly VERY different to normal

Celebrity Big Brother said goodbye to India Willoughby last night, as the newsreader got her marching orders in the first eviction of the series.

But rather than our usual eviction night staples of a countdown clock, boos, cheers and the celebrity walking down the stairs, it was a rather different affair!

And fans certainly noticed the changes!

When Emma Willis announced India was the first housemate to leave the house, there was no countdown clock telling India, “You have been evicted, please leave the Big Brother house.”

Read more: First housemate out of Celebrity Big Brother admits to messing up 

Instead, a clip of India reflecting on her Big Brother experience was played, before she emerged from the famous compound doors.

And rather than fans seeing India walking down the stairs to greet Emma on the platform in front of the photographers, Emma went up the stairs to meet India.

Emma then introduced India’s best bits and, after the collage of clips finished playing, the host and Emma had gone down the stairs and were standing on the platform.

Then, Emma asked India’s mum to come join them and give India a hug.

After cutting to an ad break, the show returned and Emma was seated with India inside the studio for her interview.

Well, some fans really missed the old eviction night elements.

But what Big Brother taketh, Big Brother giveth, and there was one element of the eviction night that EVERYONE loved: Emma channelling her inner Davina McCall!

Viewers applauded Emma shouting out, “I’m coming to get you!” after announcing India as the first evictee, saying it reminded them of Davina and the Big Brothers of the past.

Other viewers, meanwhile, just loved the whole thing!

One said the new eviction format had led to a more positive show, and allowed more focus on Emma’s interview with the evicted housemate.

Elsewhere, India told Emma that she wasn’t surprised to be the first housemate evicted, and admitted she probably didn’t do herself justice in the house.

“I was psyched up to mix it a little bit. Maybe have some confrontations; just stir things up, cause a little bit of trouble. But it’s not that sort of house,” she said.

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor