Celebrity Big Brother viewers ‘warming’ to India Willoughby after frank remarks

But is it all too little, too late?

Celebrity Big Brother viewers have applauded India Willoughby for showing a different side to herself on last night’s show.

The UK’s first transgender newsreader has been a divisive housemate on this year’s series, with many Big Brother fans accusing her of being a “bore” for constantly talking about herself and gender.

Big Brother narrator Marcus Bentley threw cheeky shade earlier this week by saying “India has brought the conversation back to her favourite subject…” as the journalist began to talk about herself again.

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Meanwhile, some housemates have accused India of being too defensive and playing the victim.

But viewers of Thursday night’s episode have admitted they were pleasantly surprised when India showed a totally different side to herself while joking with Andrew Brady in the garden.

Andrew had asked India about her designer vagina surgery, which prompted a fun chat between them filled with laughter.

Viewers saw India sharing her joy at seeing her post-surgery body, while also cracking a joke at the £14,000 cost: “Somebody once said you you can either have a Volvo or a vulva for the same money!”

It left many Big Brother fans admitting they were “warming” to India and liked this different side to her.

Others felt if India doesn’t go home during tonight’s live eviction, then we may see her becoming less serious as time goes on.

Other sceptical viewers, however, suggested India’s change of demeanour was nothing more than a gameplan as she’s facing eviction.

India goes up against Jonny Mitchell in this evening’s public vote.

Other viewers felt that Amanda Barrie calling India out on her behaviour earlier in the episode had finally hit home.

Amanda shouted at India for always “playing the victim” after being fed up with India’s antics during the latest task.

In a diary room chat last night, India admitted she’s fully aware most housemates reckon she’s going home tonight.

But she’s still hopeful the public keeps her in.

“Who knows? Maybe there is a shock in store. I think everyone is more or less banking on the idea I’ll be going out the doors come Friday night. But maybe not. There is still time.”

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India also said she realises perhaps focusing so heavily on gender has left her a bit on the outskirts of the group.

“I know I probably share a degree of blame in that because I kept going on about the gender thing as it’s so important to me. I probably went on too much about it. That’s my fault. I put a barrier up there.”

CBB airs nightly at 9pm on Channel 5.

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor