Coronation Street fans have expressed their concern for soap stalwart Rita Tanner after she started showing signs of memory loss.
The character, who is played by Barbara Knox and who first appeared on the soap in 1964, seemed to think her husband Len was still alive.
She was feeling the pressure during Wednesday’s episode as she made her way through the list of wedding tasks Jenny had set for her.
Read more: Corrie favourite set to be killed off in brain tumour storyline?
But it was Gemma who was concerned for Rita’s behaviour, especially when she got confused during a bridesmaids’ dress fitting and knocked a cup of tea all over the freshly dyed shoes.
Gemma took the blame for her, but Rita’s odd actions got worse as she set a place for Len at the dinner table.
A worried sick Gemma felt she had no one to turn to, especially as Jenny gave her short shrift over the shoe incident. have confirmed it is in fact a brain tumour, not dementia, that Rita is suffering from, but there is no official word on whether or not she will survive.
But viewers were equally as concerned as Gemma and immediately launched an online campaign to #SaveRita.
Poor Rita – what’s happening to her? 💔#Gemma #Corrie
— Coronation Street (@itvcorrie) August 30, 2017
One viewer wrote on Twitter: “A little lump in my throat watching #Corrie and the #Rita storyline starting. Please don’t kill off such a wonderful character. #SaveRita.”
A little lump in my throat watching #Corrie and the #Rita storyline starting. Please don’t kill off such a wonderful character 🙁 #SaveRita
— Heather Rose (@heathrose92) August 30, 2017
Another wrote: “Unless Barbara Knox wants to retire, I will never ever ever forgive @itvcorrie if they are deliberately writing out Rita. #corrie #SaveRita.”
Unless Barbara Knox wants to retire, I will never ever ever forgive @itvcorrie if they are deliberately writing out Rita. #corrie #SaveRita
— Lewis Pringle (@lewispringle) August 30, 2017
A fan account for the soap tweeted: “From her first appearance in ’64 to the present day, Barbara Knox as Rita has ensured quality Coronation St. Make sure to #SaveRita.”
From her first appearance in ’64 to the present day, Barbara Knox as Rita has ensured quality Coronation St. Make sure to
— Corrie Collection (@CStCollection) August 30, 2017
And the “Save Rita” memes kept on coming.
#SaveRita , or we'll get rid of the censor bar! #Corrie
— Conversation Street Podcast (@ConversationStr) August 30, 2017
Read more: Has Corrie’s Eileen rumbled Phelan?
Others found her deterioration very distressing, with one viewer writing: “the rita storyline is only starting and it’s breaking my heart already.”
the rita storyline is only starting and it’s breaking my heart already💔 #corrie
— róisín (@holbyxbeauchamp) August 30, 2017
Another said: “I’m not sure I’m emotionally ready to deal with Rita being ill.”
I’m not sure I’m emotionally ready for Rita to be ill 💔 @itvcorrie @dolly_campbell #coronationstreet #corrie
— Michelle Marsh (@michellelmarsh) August 30, 2017