Corrie viewers are convinced Phelan has given away who his next victim will be

Is the killer about to strike again?

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Eagle-eyed Corrie viewers reckon they know who cobbles killer Pat Phelan’s next victim will be – and it’s none other than Luke’s sister, Steph Britton!

Steph returned to the cobbles for her brother’s funeral in tonight’s episode, unaware that it was actually wicked Pat who bumped him off. But despite the fact that he was the one responsible for Luke’s death, murderous Phelan actually had the nerve to turn up at the ceremony, and pretend to mourn along with everyone else!

Read more: Emmerdale SPOILER: Lachlan White set to kill again next week? 

It was an emotional episode for viewers to watch, as Steph gave a moving speech about her ‘superhero big brother’. And when she talked about Luke’s killers, she looked Phelan straight in the eye, telling him that “…bad people always get caught out. They always get what they deserve.”

It seemed like maybe she was onto her brother’s killer – and Phelan certainly appeared to be hot under the collar as his neighbours continued gossiping about him in the pub later. However, while his wife Eileen had clearly had enough of being the subject of everyone’s whispers, Phelan refused to be run out of his own local by those who believed he was guilty of murder.

Steph wasn’t going to let the matter drop, though, and later confronted Phelan in the Street – and told him that she knows what he did! You could almost see the beads of sweat forming on Pat’s brow as he tried to figure out what she was talking about – but it turns out that she wasn’t referring to him murdering her brother…

After telling Pat that he was “evil” and “a liar”, Steph went on to blast Phelan for his treatment of her former boyfriend Andy. She knows that Phelan blackmailed Andy and forced him into setting fire to the garage, and she’s determined that he’s not going to get away with it!

Cool as a cucumber, Phelan called Steph’s bluff, asking her, “if Andy loves you as much as you think he does, where is he on the day you’re burying your brother?” Which was a bit of a cheek considering that he knows exactly where Andy is – at the bottom of the reservoir at the Mill development site!

But despite Pat’s snide comments, Steph made it clear that she wasn’t about to be intimidated – not only that, but she’ll be keeping a close eye on the builder. “You don’t get rid of me that easily,” she warned. “I’m going to be sticking around for a while yet.”

And that was the moment that viewers feared Steph had sealed her own fate…

But Steph wasn’t the only one concerned about Phelan’s dark deeds. Poor Tim is so worried for the safety of his daughter Faye that he’s made the decision to flee the street with her – whether Sally likes it or not!

We already know that Phelan’s reign of terror is set to go on for another few months yet, and who knows how many more victims he will amass before he finally gets his comeuppance.

Read more:  Coronation Street star Mikey North reveals Phelan’s downfall is months away 

So are Corrie viewers right to be concerned for Steph’s wellbeing now that she’s decided to stick around? Could her parents be burying another child by the time Phlean has done? Or could wily Steph actually be the one to bring Phelan down?

Coronation Street continues on Friday at 7.30om, ITV.

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor

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