Bride Sofia rejects groom Craig’s Oktoberfest wedding theme on Don’t Tell The Bride

"I don't"

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Don’t Tell The Bride viewers are accustomed to the bride-to-be hating anything and everything her hapless groom plans for their big day.

But usually true love prevails, and she goes through with it, even if it isn’t the wedding of her dreams.

Craig and Sofia were all smiles at the start of the show, but things went downhill as he planned their wedding (Credit: E4)

But that wasn’t the case on last night’s show.

In what’s believed to be a show first, Sofia, 26, decided not to marry her fiancé, Craig, 32, because she hated the Oktoberfest theme he had planned.

Craig, who has two children with Sofia, thought she would love to tie the knot in a brewery followed by a reception themed around the German beer festival, as they love partying together.

Craig thought an Oktoberfest wedding would be a good idea (Credit: E4)

But Sofia wanted a hippy-boho day, and expected her partner of eight years to know her taste.

However, he got everything wrong from the hen do to her wedding dress.

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“If it fits and it’s white I’ll be happy,” Sofia said before she saw the bridal gown.

She was horrified when she saw Craig had chosen a floral gold number, and that was when she first threatened to call off the day.

Sofia was not impressed when she saw her gold wedding dress (Credit: E4)

“I hate everything about it, there must be a theme to the wedding or why would he make me wear something so ugly? It’s fancy dress not a wedding dress,” she complained to her bridesmaids.

She added: “It’s all just nasty surprises. He hasn’t thought about me. I don’t think there is any element of the wedding I would enjoy. I don’t want to get married to someone who is that nasty. I don’t want to let him make a fool out of me. I don’t think there is any way of salvaging it, I have given him so many chances.”

Sofia told her bridesmaid she wanted to call the whole thing off as there were too many ‘nasty surprises’ (Credit: E4)

Eventually Sofia was persuaded to go to the ceremony Craig had planned, and they did exchange vows in very awkward scenes.

There was huge tension between the pair, picked up upon by all the guests who looked like there was anywhere they would rather be than this “happy day”.

Sofia told Craig at the reception, “We need some deep serious talks to get back on track with our relationship,” and he admitted he made a number of big mistakes with the wedding planning and regretted agreeing to do it.

Craig got a call to say Sofia was not happy (Credit: E4)

The vows the pair exchanged with gritted teeth on the show were not legally binding – and viewers were stunned when they were told before the end credits that the couple had decided not to become man and wife after all.

A statement read: “At the time of making this programme, Craig and Sofia had decided not to make their wedding legal and were working together on their relationship.”

A show statement said the couple decided not to become man and wife (Credit: E4)

“Speechless about Don’t Tell The Bride”, one viewer said, while another surged Sofia to marry Craig because she loves him and not because of the wedding he planned.

Don’t Tell The Bride started on BBC Three in 2007 before moving to Sky One and more recently E4.

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Although many brides have threatened to call off the wedding over their groom’s plans in the past, they have all gone through with it. Often this might mean having a separate legal ceremony after the filmed version because not all the weddings the grooms’ want are in licenced venues.

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor