Imran has some shocking news for Alya next week while Rosie prepares to say goodbye to the cobbles following a surprising turn of events as she tries to set up drug dealing Antoine.

After their dog-walking session Sharon hands Kirk a bag full of her ex-husband’s clothes.
Read more: First look at Phil and Holly’s cameo on This Morning

Rosie continues with her and Gemma’s plan to plant Antoine’s cocaine back on him in the hop he gets caught at the airport.

Is Gemma in danger when Antoine catches her red-handed trying to swap the cocaine for icing sugar and he demands to know what’s going on.

Somehow Gemma ends up in a compromising position when Antoine demands to know what’s going on.

Gail fills in a payday loan application form and puts Roy as her employer but when he’s called by the company he asks Gail what’s going on.

A shamefaced Steve begs Robert not to mention anything to Tracy about him making a pass at Michelle. Will Robert comply?

After Gail explains she needs the loan to pay for psychic Rosemary to remove Richard Hillman’s curse, Roy decides he needs to expose her as a fraud and attends one of her clairvoyant evenings.

Roy enlists the help of Cathy and Audrey at the psychic show but Gail continues to lap up everything Rosemary says.

Roy decides he’s had enough and leaves Rosemary’s psychic show determined to find evidence and expose her as a fraud. Will he succeed?

Rosie is thrilled with all her press coverage over the drugs bust and can’t believe it when she finds out Phil and Holly want her to appear on This Morning.

After a shopping trip together, Sharon hands Kirk an expensive shirt she’s bought for him.

Sharon kisses Kirk on the cheek and Tyrone witnesses it before warning him that Sharon has the hots for him.

Adam tells Jenny and Carla that the only way they can contest Aidan’s will would be to say he wasn’t of sound mind and the women know Johnny won’t agree.

Carla and Alya clash at the factory and Alya walks out, telling Carla she can stick her job.

After finding a copy of Aidan’s will in the office, Imran tells Alya that Aidan left the factory to her.

Rosie looks stunning as she prepares for her appearance on the sofa with Holly and Phil.

Rosie steals the show as she, Craig and Gemma are interviewed by Holly and Phil on This Morning.
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Gemma, Craig and Rosie all appear on This Morning as Phil and Holly talk to them about their drug bust.
Coronation Street airs Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7.30pm and 8.30pm