Phillip and Holly This Morning (Credit: ITV)

Holly Willoughby sends Phillip Schofield off This Morning set after yet another blunder

Two days in a row they've been in hysterics!

Now we are all up for having a laugh when we are at work, but some people are enjoying their work day a bit more than others!

Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby are known for their hilarious breakdowns at work.

Normally if viewers are lucky you might get the odd fit of giggles once in a while, but this week has seen the presenting duo cracking up twice on screen in as many days.

Phillip Scofield Holly Willoughby This morning (Credit: ITV)
Uh oh Phillip just can’t stop himself (Credit: ITV)

We already had a moment yesterday where Phillip tripped over his words and said something a little ruder than he should have, which left Holly and the crew on the show all laughing uncontrollably.

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Today, however, we had moment number two, where the pair were quite innocently talking about camouflaged pets and showing viewers’ pictures that had been sent in.

Holly was trying to find a Cockapoo that was posing in-between some animal statues at a garden centre.

Phillip Holly this morning (Credit: ITV)
Then it was Holly’s turn (Credit: ITV)

When she realised where he was, Holly said, “Front, front, front, front bottom”, describing where the pet pooch was in the photo.

To which Phillip replied “Yep, front bottom there,” which set Holly off laughing.

pPhillip Holly This Morning (Credit: ITV)
And then they were both off (Credit: ITV)

Whilst the pair struggled to hold it together, they were trying to read out some of the other animal posts, as well as introduce what else was coming up on the show.

As you can imagine, it didn’t go well.

When Holly recomposed herself, Phillip giggled away uncontrollably.

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Phillip Holly This Morning (Credit: ITV)
Phillip was so bad, Holly had to send him off set to calm down (Credit: ITV)

Trying to regain some sort of composure, Holly even had to send Phillip away off set so she could try and get on with the next segment in the show.

And whilst the pair had apologised for giggling two days in a row, fans were loving the unscripted moments.

Do you think Phillip and Holly laugh too much or should they get themselves together?!

Leave us a comment on our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix and let us know what you think!

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor

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