Inside Man continued with episode 2 on BBC One tonight, and we’re totally intrigued by the entangled plot…
In episode 2 of the unusual crime drama, journalist Beth tried to convince convict Jefferson to take on her case.
Meanwhile, the understatedly brilliant maths teacher Janice Fife plotted her escape from the Watling’s basement.
Will she get out, and what the HELL is Harry thinking?
Here are all the questions we have after watching Inside Man episode 2…
***Warning: spoilers from episode 2 of Inside Man ahead***

Why is Harry protecting Edgar? And does Janice believe Harry?
A desperate Harry (David Tennant) once again tried to convince Janice that the child porn she found on the USB stick was not his son Ben’s.
It doesn’t look like she ever believed the disturbing footage was Harry’s – but does she still think he’s protecting his son?
Harry tried to convince Janice that the pornography was Edgar’s (which was the truth), but once again she didn’t believe him.
Like the rest of us, she questioned why on EARTH he would do so much to protect a paedophile.
Harry tried to record a confession from Edgar, and also tried to convince him to go to the police but he failed to do either.
When Harry last visited Janice (Dolly Wells) in the cellar, she handed over her password to her email so Harry could cancel her scheduled Skype call with her sister.
Of course that means that no one realises Janice is missing yet… Unless Beth works it out.

Will Ben realise Janice is in the basement?
In episode 2 of Inside Man, Ben saw that Janice’s bag was still on the coat rack.
He asked if she was still in their home, but mum Mary (Lyndsey Marshal) tried to convince him she’d just left it behind.
Ben insisted on calling Janice himself, but the call went to voicemail.
Mary tried to access the voicemail in an attempt to cover their tracks, but Janice’s phone stopped working so she was unable to.
Ben also questioned his mum on why she’d suddenly started locking the cellar, and Mary didn’t give him a good excuse saying: “I don’t know why I locked it. I just did.”
It seems like it’s only a matter of time before Ben (Louis Oliver) wonders why Janice hasn’t gotten back to him.
Maybe his curiosity will lead him down to the basement…
And what will he do when he realises his parents have trapped his maths tutor down there?

Inside Man episode 2: Will Mary Watling kill Janice?
After Mary’s surprisingly quick acceptance of the new woman in her basement in the first episode, Mary continued her odd behaviour by asking Harry outright if he’d considered killing Janice.
She said she was thinking “theoretically” about how they would kill Janice if it came down to it, but Harry largely ignored her concerns.
Later on, when she visited Janice in the cellar, Janice clearly picked up on all the same red flags that we had…
She asked to drink from the same glass as Mary, feeling understandably suspicious of her captor.
The two had a long conversation, where Janice admitted that Mary killing her will be “her only way out of this”.
Mary denied that she would kill her but, at this stage, what other options does she have?
It seems inevitable that Mary will try to kill Janice to protect her family…
But something tells us Janice won’t be easy to kill!

Will Jefferson really be able to solve the case?
After making Beth jump through hoops for him, Jefferson (Stanley Tucci) finally agreed to look into Janice’s case.
He told Beth that she needed to go back to the UK to be his agent on the ground there, but will that be enough for Jefferson to solve the case?
The ex-criminology professor does have an excellent knack for solving cases, but will he be able to save Janice from her impending fate?
Jefferson did figure out that Janice was supposed to have a Skype call with her sister…
But when it gets cancelled, will he connect it back to the Watling family?
Read more: Inside Man on BBC One – everything you need to know!
What will happen when the police find Edgar’s note?
At the end of Inside Man episode 2, Harry decided he would confess to the possession of the child porn to protect Ben and Edgar.
But as Edgar’s mother walked up to his room, we saw her gasp – Edgar had taking his own life by hanging.
The camera panned down on a note that said: “Don’t believe the vicar is a paedo. He is protecting someone else.”
While Edgar didn’t exactly confess to the crime, it does mean the police might not believe the vicar’s confession.
The problem is that now they’ll probably assume it was Ben’s child porn.
Will Jefferson be able to put all these clues together and save Janice in time?
And why on earth didn’t Edgar just admit it was him as he planned to die anyway?
All will be revealed as the series continues on Monday October 03 and Tuesday October 04 2022 at 9pm.
Inside Man continues with episode 3 on Monday October 03 2022 at 9pm on BBC One. Episodes are also available to BBC iPlayer after airing.
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