Casualty usually airs every Saturday night, however there will be a change to the schedule this week.
Is Casualty on tonight?
No, Casualty will not be on tonight (Saturday, June 26).
Instead MOTD Live: UEFA Euro 2020 will start at 7.30pm on BBC One.

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It’s Italy v Austria with kick-off starting at 8pm.
When will Casualty be back on?
Casualty will be back on-screen next week (Saturday, July 3) and there will be plenty of drama at the Holby City hospital…
SPOILERS: What’s happening in the next episode of Casualty?
Lev approaches homophobe Sam with a bundle of cash, ready to pay off the assault charges against him.
However Faith tracks him down, concerned about the money and worried Lev might do something he’ll end up regretting.

She watches in horror as Lev confronts Sam, who is outraged to be offered a payout and refuses to drop the charges.
As Sam continues to taunt Lev, he is hit by a car and left in a dangerous condition.
Despite how Sam has treated him, Lev jumps in to help.
Meanwhile Vanessa Lytton returns to the emergency department next week with injuries.
Vanessa was previously on Casualty as the hospital CEO from 2009 until 2010, played by Leslie Ash.
Now disabled, Vanessa has been rushed into the ED by her husband Mike.

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It seems Mike and Vanessa are a happy couple, but when Tina and Rash spot scratches on her arm, they worry all is not as it seems.
Meanwhile Charlie is shaken when a patient experiencing chest pains demands his treatment.
Things take an unsettling turn when his patient, Tom, accuses him of having an affair with his wife.
Soon Charlie realises Tom faked chest pains to get to him. However Tom explains there have been messages sent to his wife on a dating app from a profile with Charlie’s image.
Charlie tells Tina, who suggests someone could be deliberately using his pictures to catfish women.
Want more Casualty? Entertainment Daily has a section dedicated to Casualty spoilers to tide you over.
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