There’s been a lot of upheaval in Emmerdale’s Dingle family recently.
First Matty arrived, revealed that he used to be Hannah and he and mum Moira put their differences aside to work on their relationship.
Then Moira admitted that she killed Emma Barton and let son Adam take the blame, much to daughter-in-law Victoria’s fury and Matty’s confusion.

And with the fallout from her revelation still causing drama in the dales, there’s more trouble in store for the Dingles this week when Cain gets himself in BIG trouble.

Read more: Emmerdale viewers demand Moira is locked up!
Cain’s been in France for a trip with Moira but his missus arrives back in Emmerdale from their holiday, on her own.

When Debbie and Charity ask where Cain’s got to, she tells them he’s managed to get himself arrested in France – and he won’t be home for a while!

What’s Cain been doing to get himself in trouble with the gendarmes across the Channel? Has he been guzzling too much wine and got a bit gobby? Or done a deal for some dodgy voitures for the garage?
Or is there more to his arrest than meets the eye? Could stepson Adam even be involved somehow?
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With Moira coping with her guilt, and trying to calm angry Victoria down, daughter Debbie planning her wedding, and granddaughter Sarah still seriously ill in hospital, it seems Cain is needed in Emmerdale more than ever.
Will he be back any time soon?
What do you think Cain’s been up to in France? Let us know by commenting on our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix!