Jamie A Mother's Son (Credit: ITV)

A Mother’s Son: ITV drama sparks debate on schoolgirl’s killer identity

Sean Christie and Jamie's stepbrother Rob are also suspects, say viewers

ITV drama A Mother’s Son has left fans wondering who did it.

Following the brutal murder of schoolgirl Lorraine Mullary, a huge police search is launched to find her killer.

In episode one, cops have several suspects in mind.

Currently, the only person who suspects Jamie is his mother – but could she be onto something?

Is Jamie the killer in A Mother’s Son?

Let’s find out…

Jamie A Mother's Son (Credit: ITV)
Is Jamie the killer in A Mother’s Son? (Credit: ITV)

Is Jamie the killer in A Mother’s Son?

Rosie (Hermione Norris) suspects her son may be the killer after finding his blood-stained trainers hidden underneath his bed.

When she confronts Jamie (Alexander Arnold), he insists the blood is fox’s blood – but she has her doubts he’s telling the truth.

The terrified mum becomes increasingly concerned when Jamie’s behaviour then starts to spiral out of control.

READ MORE: A Mother’s Son viewers think they’ve worked out killer’s identity

Viewers are given a shocking glimpse into his violent side when the schoolboy strikes his stepfather Ben (Martin Clumes).

Even more alarming, his stepsister Jess catches him spying on her in the shower.

As the police investigation continues, it’s revealed that Lorraine was sexually assaulted before she was killed.

By this point, Rosie and Ben decide it’s time to confront Jamie.

Usurpingly, he denies everything and instead points the finger at his new pal Sean Christie.

We don’t want to spoil the ending for you (which airs tonight), so you’ll have to tune in to find out who the real killer is.

However, fans have already picked up on some rather telling clues.

A Mother's Son | ITV

What clues have viewers picked up on?

Some viewers are convinced Jamie is the culprit because of the actor who plays him – Skins star Alexander Arnold.

Taking to Twitter, one fan explained: “That actor has always played the bad guy in everything I’ve seen him in so no point watching #amothersson.”

However, others believe Jamie’s stepbrother Rob is the killer.

One viewer tweeted: “Swear rob has done it, poor Jamie is being framed #amothersson.”

Is Jamie the murder or could it his stepbrother Rob be setting him up?

The truth will be revealed in just a few hours’ time

A Mother’s Son concludes on ITV at 9pm tonight (April 21.)

Do you think Jamie is guilty? Leave us a comment on our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix and let us know what you think of this story.

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor

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