Reuben Owen and Sarah Dow

Reuben Owen announces split from girlfriend Sarah Dow on Lorraine: ‘She’s gone her own way’

Sarah has featured on Reuben's Channel 5 show

Reuben Owen appeared on Lorraine today and announced that he’s split from his girlfriend Sarah Dow.

The son of Amanda and Clive Owen was on the ITV show to discuss his Channel 5 series, Reuben: Life In The Dales. However, host Lorraine Kelly asked about his relationship with Sarah.

She asked: “You talked about your pals, and we see you working on the farm with your friends. Tommy of course and Sarah.

“Now, Sarah and you were together. What’s happened between the two of you?”

Lorraine Kelly talking to Reuben Owen on Lorraine today
Lorraine asked Reuben about his relationship with Sarah (Credit: ITV)

Reuben Owen splits from girlfriend Sarah Dow

Reuben, 20, replied: “So me and Sarah were together, we’re no longer together. But we’re still very good friends.

“She’s kind of gone her own way and she’s pursuing her own career. She does the odd day for us when she’s not busy but we’re not together any more but we’re still get along very well and still good pals.”

Lorraine said: “That’s really good. It’s the same as your mum and dad really. They might not be together but they’re still giving you lots of advice and encouragement.”

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Reuben then gushed: “You couldn’t wish for any better parents. They’re very supportive of us and both dad and mum come down here and give us a hand with the machines.

“They always give us advice and keep us on the straight and narrow.”

Reuben recently opened up about his parents’ relationship now following their marriage split in 2022.

Speaking to the MailOnline, Reuben said: “Mum and dad were both there, working away, together, doing something with the cows. That’s how it is. Nothing has changed in that regard.

Sarah Dow clip shown on Lorraine today
Sarah has featured on Reuben’s show (Credit: ITV/Channel 5)

Amanda and Clive Owen

“They just get on with it. They are both the same, really, they get on what whatever jobs need doing. Great role models, really, brilliant. Farming away, out in the rain and snow. They are really tough, the pair of them.”

Reuben’s new Channel 5 show follows his life on the farm. In tonight’s episode (May 16), Reuben takes his first ever holiday abroad on a road trip through North France.

Read more: Life in the Dales’ Reuben Owen tipped to appear on this year’s I’m A Celebrity: ‘It’s looking likely’

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Reuben: Life In The Dales airs tonight (May 16) from 8pm on Channel 5. 

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Rebecca Carter
Associate Editor (News)