I am a huge fan of Survivor, and was beyond happy when BBC One announced they would be bringing the UK show back this year – but here’s why they’ve blown it in my review.
As a TV addict, I remember the first ever ITV series in 2001 and 2002. At the time, the British public had seen nothing like it. It first aired in May 2001, with Mark Austin as host. However, after just two series, it was axed by ITV1 in 2002 because viewing figures took a nosedive.
Now, more two decades later, the endurance test has returned – but producers don’t seem to have learnt any lessons! More hardcore than the lightweight C4 version Shipwrecked, Survivor was more like The Island with Bear Grylls but with a crucial difference – only one islander could win and become Sole Survivor.
The American and Australian versions are cut-throat, funny, and full of big players. But the UK’s cast are, quite frankly, dull. Here’s where I think the Beeb has gone so wrong with Survivor UK in my blistering review.

Survivor UK review: The cast just aren’t interesting enough
Survivor UK has marooned 18 members of the public on a remote tropical location where they must “play a strategic game of social, mental and physical skill”.
And that’s the first problem. The cast are not being strategic. They’ve already voted off some of their strongest tribe members just because they were annoying. It’s almost like the Survivors haven’t ever watched the show before!
Anyone who’s a fan of Survivor like I am, will know that the show is all about strategy, alliances and immunity idols. But none of that has been present in the first four episodes of the show. I don’t think we can count Lee ‘get the girls out’ Reeves. He’s like an Action Man – all muscles, but no brains. Mate, get back to 1953 where those views belong.
The cast of Survivor UK are DULL. Very few stand out. Where are the Luke Toki characters? Or the likeable schemers like David Genat, or AK? Anyone who has watched Survivor US or Australia will know that it’s the cast that makes the show. And this lot just don’t have the personalities or the brains to play the game. Did the BBC look for the most boring Survivor contestants EVER?
Or perhaps their work colleagues paid the BBC to make them disappear for a while? Sadly, we don’t see enough of them in their natural environment, which means we don’t care about them… Which brings me to my next complaint!
Joel, the tribe has spoken, you’re wrong for this show
Survivor host Joel Dommett is just wrong for this show. He needs to drop the dad jokes, and the awful puns. Where’s the tension?
Scenes in camp are spoiled by Joel’s voiceovers, telling us what’s happening. When actually, we’d rather just watch, and see it for ourselves. There’s way too much Joel, and not enough of the contestants.
Don’t get me wrong, I like Joel. He’s great on The Masked Singer. But he’s not a patch on Anthony LaPaglia, who hosts the Australian Survivor. He’s serious when he needs to be, and has a perfect relationship with the cast. Joel doesn’t get the tone right. He’s always got a smirk on his face, and his jokes fall flat.
One viewer spoke for all of us when they said: “Joel Dommett has GOT to go. Hosts shouldn’t be there for commentary and jokes, it’s not about them. Sorry but less is more sometimes.”
Whether it’s the editing or not, the show just feels rushed. Survivor US and Australia are around 25 episodes. Yes, that’s quite a commitment, but it’s worth it. The UK version is 16, but I doubt everyone will last the whole series.

Survivor UK review: Tribal council yawn
Even the tribal councils are plodding, and drawn-out. There was no suspense or tension. There was no humour or personality. Instead, it was a predictable vote. Now, had it been a Lee blindside…
This is because Joel is too jokey to create tension, and the players just aren’t playing. For such a predictable vote – Leilani considered weak – we didn’t need so much time devoted to the tribal council. I’d rather have seen more of the castaways in camp.
And if you’ve watched Australian Survivor, you’ll know the music is brilliant at amping the mood as the castmates vote. If you haven’t watched it, you need to. Get yourself on Amazon Prime Video now. You will not regret it!
Fans agree that the show is a damp squib
Sadly, many viewers agree that the show feels like a flop. After episode 4’s twist (Leilani was sent to the other tribe, not sent home), one fan said: “Feels far too early to throw a twist in #SurvivorUK when they’ve hardly got to grip with regular gameplay yet.”
I couldn’t agree more!
Criticising the players, one viewer wrote: “If you’re going to be on Survivor, I think you should be required to watch at least one episode before you leave for filming!! It’s VERY clear a lot of this cast have never seen the show and I think it’s impacting the gameplay. #SurvivorUK.”
Another said: #Survivoruk is like watching Shipwrecked or Castaway – there’s zero tension. From the wrong tone from the host, weird music choices and lack of strategy… Can’t they just pay for Survivor US or Australia to be on BBC instead?
A third added: “I was at the auditions and met so many amazing, passionate people who LOVE the show, big personalities and amazing potential players. How any single person on Caleton got cast blows my mind. The format works but needs the cast to make it, they failed in that regard.”
“Production need to take some responsibility for putting Caleton together,” blasted another. “After a week all we still get is confessionals about missing things from home. Not a single player on that entire tribe, it’s genuinely awful.”
Others called it “boring”, “like watching paint dry”, and lacking in “memorable characters”. One final comment said: “It’s pretty difficult to avoid the conclusion that this season has been set up as a flop.”
Do you agree?
Read more: Joel Dommettt and Hannah Cooper welcome first baby and share his adorable name
Survivor UK continues on Saturday, November 11 2023, at 7.25pm and the next day at 8pm on BBC One.
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