Steph Corbett in Line Of Duty

Steph Corbett returns to Line of Duty, surprising fans and raising questions

She met with both Ted and Steve

Steph Corbett came back to Line Of Duty in tonight’s episode to everyone’s surprise.

Played by actress Amy De Bhrún she was a key character in series five, but her storyline was thought to be over.

However, she was seen in tonight’s episode (Sunday March 28).

So why was she there, and what is her back story?

Steph Corbett in Line Of Duty
Steph appeared in series five (Credit: BBC)

Who is Stephanie Corbett in Line Of Duty?

Steph appeared in series five of Line Of Duty.

She was the wife of undercover officer, John Corbett, and was a stay-at-home mum of two daughters.

Knowing that her husband was in frequent danger thanks to his job, she seemed constantly on edge.

Read more: Line Of Duty: Fans convinced they’ve worked out H after The Caddy clue

Early in the series, she was visited by Steve Arnott and Kate Fleming, who asked her questions about her husband.

However, she tells them that she knows that he uses his undercover job to commit adultery and wants nothing more to do with him.

She also says she hasn’t been in contact with him since he took on the new job.

Steph Corbett in Line Of Duty
Steph lied to Steve and Kate (Credit: BBC)

She was in contact with John all along

The reality was that Steph was in semi-constant contact with John, thanks to a secret burner phone.

In one conversation, she tearfully handed the phone to one of her daughters, so John could speak to her.

Her husband apologised for not calling as often as he should, but explained that he was on a dangerous mission.

It was also revealed that John instructed Steph to tell Steve and Kate that she was no longer in contact with him anymore.

John Corbett Line Of Duty
John had a vendetta against Ted (Credit: BBC)

What happened to Steph at the end of series five?

It was also revealed in series five that Corbett – a decorated former Vice Squad officer – had a personal vendetta gainst Ted Hastings.

Born in Belfast in 1979, John moved to Liverpool after his mother was murdered.

Anne Marie had passed on IRA intel to a young Ted Hastings, then a member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary.

The two enjoyed a close relationship, until Anne Marie was abducted, never to be seen her again.

Her body was eventually found in 2001.

Gill Biggeloe convinced John that Ted was responsible for his mother’s death.

When Hastings found out that John was Anne Marie’s son, he skimmed off a portion of the cash Mark Moffat gave him from the Kettle Bell Complex investment deal.

We saw Ted, feeling guilty at John’s death and thinking of Anne Marie, about to give Steph the cash at the end of series five.

Ted Hastings Line Of Duty
Ted looked after Steph (Credit: BBC)

Why is Steph back in series six?

Both Ted and Steve Arnott met with Steph in tonight’s second episode.

So that begs the question: why?

The real reasons are yet to become clear, but perhaps in Ted’s case he still wanted to look after Steph and her two daughters.

Read more: Line Of Duty: Ted Hastings fans love ‘houl yer wheesht’ catchphrase but what does it mean?

As for Steve, he’s had a history of dalliances with both suspects and witnesses (and pretty much everyone else).

Are Steph and Steve about to enter into a romance?

ALL Line of Duty in SIX MINUTES - BBC

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Nancy Brown
Acting Editor

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