22 Kids and Counting star Sue Radford slammed a health visitor for fat-shaming her daughter, Sophie, when she was younger.
The Channel 5 star – whose show airs today (Saturday, March 30) opened up about the incident in her and Noel‘s new book, The Radfords: Making Life Count.

22 Kids and Counting star Sue Radford slams health visitor
The incident in question occurred when Sophie- now 30 – was around 10 months old.
“Luckily, like Chris, Sophie was an easy baby,” 22 Kids and Counting star Sue wrote in the book.
“She was quite a chubby baby and I remember the health visitor coming out to me when she was about 10 months old and she’d just started crawling – and because she was quite chubby, the health visitor said, ‘Oh, you need to put her on a diet,” she then continued.
Sue then told the health visitor that she wouldn’t put Sophie on a diet, as she’d start losing weight when she began walking.
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22 Kids and Counting star Sue Radford on health visitor’s ‘ridiculous’ suggestion
Sue then continued, writing: “Looking back now, you just think, ‘What an absolutely ridiculous thing to say!'”.
Elsewhere in the book, Sue and Noel recalled a time when Sophie had been rushed to hospital after covering herself in Miracle-Gro plant food.
“It didn’t work, because she was only tiny. We took her up to the hospital and they were laughing and joking – saying, ‘She’ll be absolutely fine, but she might have a bit of a growth spurt!’ That was so funny – but only looking back, not before we got her to the hospital!”
They also recalled a time Sophie drank mum Sue’s wine when she was little and how she’d been running into things and falling over.
Sophie, now 30, is now mum to three children of her own, Leo, Daisy, and Ayprill.

Sue and Noel address ‘millionaire’ claims
Elsewhere in their book, Sue and Noel hit back at fan claims that they’re secret millionaires.
Sue has previously confessed that they’re not secretly rich.
“Absolutely not, we’re definitely not secret millionaires,” she once said. “To me rich would be having the big mansion, the flash cars and quite a few hundred thousand in the bank.
“To me that would be rich but we are not that.”
However, in their book, Sue and Noel write about how they’ve had not one, not two, but three Porsches.
In 2021, Sue got a Range Rover for her birthday. “Then we got rid of that Porsche and we replaced it with another one. Then we got rid of that [one too], because it was [bleep],” Noel wrote in the book.

22 Kids and Counting airs at 9.25am on Channel 5 and My5 today (Saturday, March 30).
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