Jenny Ryan in The Chase promo pic

The Chase star Jenny Ryan wades in on contestants’ minus offer row: ‘If it’s greedy, I understand the furore’

Side-eyes aplenty…

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The Chase star Jenny Ryan has waded in on that age-old debate. Should you ever accept a minus offer from a Chaser?!

As fans of the Bradley Walsh-fronted gameshow will know, players answer questions in their Cash Builder round, securing £1,000 for each question answered correctly.

They can then decide to play against the Chaser for the amount they won, or a higher or minus amount, which sees money being taken away from the team total.

Jenny Ryan scowling on The Chase
The Chase star Jenny Ryan isn’t a fan of ‘greedy’ players (Credit: ITV)

Low offer backlash on The Chase

Anyone who’s watched The Chase at the same time as the Twitter hashtag when a lower offer has been accepted will know that it causes quite the scandal. And, while you may not see the contestants react on screen, according to Jenny, it can cause some unrest among the players. Side-eyes at the ready!

Speaking to the Mirror, she said it can lead to awkwardness between the players. Although awkwardness is nothing compared to some of the comments on social media when a lower offer is taken.

If it is someone being a bit cheeky or greedy I understand that furore.

Jenny said that it can often be more dramatic on set if a quizzer takes the higher offer instead of prioritising getting back for the final round. Players ignoring advice from the rest of the group also unsettles them.

Speaking about the “drama” between the contestants, Jenny said that she didn’t envy the players.

Jenny Ryan on The Chase
Jenny has obviously looked at The Chase hashtag when a low offer is taken! (Credit: ITV)

The Chase star Jenny Ryan admits ‘it’s a risk’

She said: “Occasionally there is a bit of side-eye if they have gone against the advice of the team. Actually it’s more often if they have gone for the higher offer, if they’ve been advised to go for the low offer. It’s like a, ‘I can’t believe they’ve taken that risk’.”

She then added: “And it’s a huge risk. It’s much more important to get all of the players back to the final. There’s more chance of winning. It’s a tough decision to make though. So I don’t envy anyone making that decision, poor contestants!”

‘If someone’s being greedy I understand that furore’

However, wading in on the low offer debate, Jenny said that she’s noticed tactics come into play recently. And she’s said that if someone is being “greedy”, then the backlash is deserved.

“I’ve noticed recently that contestants have particularly noticed it’s tactically astute to go for that minus offer, whether it is big or small. Anyone that can put their pride aside and play for the team and take the low offer as a consensus, I agree with it. If it is someone being a bit cheeky or greedy I understand that furore.”

So what will today’s contestants on The Chase do? Watch on ITV1 at 5pm to find out!

Read more: What The Chase stars looked like before finding fame – from Jenny to Anne

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Nancy Brown
Acting Editor

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