The Repair Shop BBC

The Repair Shop: BBC viewers weep over ‘hero’ who died saving another’s life

Another tearjerker ahead of the new series

BBC show The Repair Shop had viewers in tears last night with the heartbreaking story of man who gave up his life to save another.

During Wednesday (January 20) evening’s repeat episode of the popular programme, Jenny, from Storrington in West Sussex, was in the shop with some special family heirlooms.

Jenny brought her grandfather’s photo albums into The Repair Shop (Credit: BBC)

What happened on The Repair Shop on BBC One?

She brought in photo albums featuring pictures of her grandmother and grandfather, who was on Captain’s Scott’s ill-fated Terra Nova expedition to Antarctica.

She explained how, en route to the South Pole, her grandfather Henry had met her grandfather during a stop-off at New Zealand.

Read more: The Repair Shop: how to apply for the beloved BBC show

He continued on with the expedition, but as he was only doing geographical surveys, he managed to survive.

Jenny’s grandfather died at sea in WW1 – but not before saving another (Credit: BBC)

Henry went back to New Zealand to find his love and they got married in London.

However, tragedy struck a few years later when the government called Henry up to fight in the First World War.

Jenny explained: “[He was] called up for the First World War, and went down with his ship in September 1914. [It was] before my father was born, in February 1915. He had a lifebelt but he gave it to a man who had children.

“He never knew that my grandmother way pregnant.”

Book binder Christopher got to work on the albums (Credit: BBC)

Book binder Christopher Shaw and The Repair Shop favourite Steve Fletcher couldn’t believe what they heard.

Jenny’s grandparents… what an extraordinary story.

And Steve praised Jenny’s grandfather’s selfless actions, as he said: “It’s heartbreaking as well, but what a hero.”

It seems viewers felt the same way, as a number took to Twitter to admit the episode had them in tears.

The story of Jenny’s grandfather had BBC viewers in tears (Credit: BBC)

What did BBC viewers say?

One said, with a broken-heart emoji: “The restored scrap books are beautiful but the love story of Jenny’s grandparents… what an extraordinary story.”

Another tweeted, with a crying GIF: “The story about the lady’s grandparents.”

Read more: The Repair Shop on BBC One: Is Dominic Chinea married?

A third put: “Brilliant show last night as always, never fails to make me shed a few tears, but in a good way! Can’t wait for the new series! #therepairshop2.”


Host Jay Blades and The Repair Shop team are back with new episodes next week.

What did you think of the episode? Leave us a comment on our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix and let us know.

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor