On a usual weekday morning, viewers tuning into ITV’s This Morning expect to be greeted with the warm interiors of the show’s studio.
However, on Monday (September 9), they were met with a different scene. Hosts Ben Shephard and Cat Deeley broadcasted live amidst a sea of colourful balloons at the Westfield shopping centre in West London.

This Morning today
However, the balloons were not just for decoration. They were a visual statement designed to draw attention to the issue of youth suicide in the UK.
Each of the 6,929 balloons in the display represented a young life cut short by suicide in the past decade.
In collaboration with the campaign by the charity Campaign Against Living Miserably (C.A.L.M.), called Missed Birthdays, the display hoped to raise awareness of the increasing number of young lives lost to suicide.
“Hello, and welcome to This Morning,” Ben welcomed viewers as he and Cat strolled through Westfield. “We’ve made a short trip from the studio – we’ve left that all behind to come here – to Westfield Shopping Centre.”
“Yes, and for the next three days, Westfield is going to play host to this spectacular sight,” Cat continued, gesturing to the balloon display.
Cat and Ben went on to explain the meaning behind the exhibition.
“It’s just such an overwhelming feeling,” Ben continued, looking up at the balloons.
Reacting to the sombre exhibition, Cat agreed: “It is incredibly beautiful at the same time. It’s not until you actually look at the numbers on the balloons, that you actually realise how young some of these people were.”

Fans react
This emotional installation touched the hearts of viewers nationwide. This sparked an influx of responses across social media platforms.
A viewer deeply affected by the issue recounted their personal experience: “Gosh, it’s very emotional. I lost a family member to suicide and when I was in secondary school I had suicidal thoughts due to bullying.”
“Wow #ThisMorning beginning made me have a tear in my eyes,” another viewer expressed. “Seeing them balloons and all young people with ages on the balloons you get thinking how young people were sadly in obvious pain to take their own life. Very sad world we live in. Anyone struggling I hope you can get help.”
The powerful message of the balloon display resonated with many, as another viewer reiterated the need for support:
“Those balloons really do look so gorgeous and powerful, we need better mental health services.” They wrote.
Despite the heavy opening, the broadcast continued, and eventually, Ben and Cat returned to the familiar confines of the This Morning studio.
Meanwhile, they continued the day’s programming, which included a segment with Richard Hammond, the ex-Top Gear presenter.
If you are struggling with your mental health, contact the Samaritans online or call 116 123 from any phone for free.
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