Viewers of This Morning were left in shock as a guest removed her prosthetic nose mid-interview, while discussing how she suffers from a rare flesh-eating disease.
Chatting to Ruth Langsford and Eamonn Holmes, brave Jayne Hardman showed viewers the full extent of her illness, showing them the gaping hole that was left where her nose had once been.

Explaining how her own 14 stone dog, Cici, had jumped on her and caused her to suffer a nose bleed, Jayne described how after going to her GP due to unusual swelling and bleeding, she later discovered she was suffering from an undiagnosed disorder.
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Wegener’s granulomatosis, a very rare autoimmune disease, which lays dormant until triggered by an injury or infection, only affects 11 out of one million people.

It is thought to usually develop when an initial inflammation-causing event (ie, Jayne being pounced on by her dog) causes an abnormal response from the sufferer’s immune system.
Jayne explained how her own nose completely collapsed, ruining her self-esteem and leaving her afraid to leave the house.
“I wouldn’t go out unless I was with my husband or going to the places I knew. If I went somewhere new, I would have my eyes down, and if I looked up, people were staring at me,” she said.

After appearing on ITV show This Time Next Year, which sees people undergo huge life transformations over a year, Jayne finally gained her confidence back, after having her own prosthetic nose made.
Looking back at last year’s clip, Jayne admitted, “I don’t like to look at how bad it looked – it was hard.”
But a year on and Jayne’s new magnetic nose has made her confident once more, and she was keen to share the story of how her flattering magnetic nose came to fruition.
“The lady who fixed my nose at Birmingham QE asked what kind of nose I wanted. I looked at her and said, ‘Well, your nose is lovely.’ So she made me her nose!”

Jayne now happily lives her life with her nose in tact – despite some occasional mishaps.
“I have sneezed it off once, so now I have to hold my nose!” she laughed.
“I take it off a night and put a plaster over it so no spiders crawl in there. Then I get up in the morning, brush my teeth and wash my nose.”

Twitter users also praised brave Jayne.
“What a brave woman. Imagine just losing your nose like that!” one supporter wrote.
Another added: “So glad to see a fellow Weggie sufferer raising awareness of this horrible disease!…I am ecstatic that she found a way forward and didn’t let this disease get the better of her. What an inspiration.”
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Although one viewer was left a little shocked, remarking: “Should have given a bit of warning before she pulled her nose off!”
Jayne appears on This Time Next Year tonight at 8pm on ITV
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