Anne-Marie divided fans with her dress on This Morning

This Morning viewers divided over Anne-Marie and her amazing dress

It was... very eye-catching!

Anne-Marie caused a stir on This Morning today (Wednesday Spetember 29) when she wore an eye-catching dress.

The Voice star and hit singer, 30, is known for her out-there outfits.

But today her choice of outfit was savaged by viewers on Twitter.

Anne-Marie divided fans with her dress on This Morning
Singer Anne-Marie divided viewers (Credit: ITV)

Anne-Marie on This Morning today

Anne-Marie visited the studio to plug her new autobiography, You Deserve Better.

She went on to tell hosts Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby of her struggles during life.

Read more: Holly Willoughby gives ‘wedding vibes’ with angelic outfit on This Morning

“My whole thing, from young,” she said.

“Was that I wanted people to like me.

“But it was a bit scary when people looked at me.”

Anne-Marie divided fans with her dress on This Morning
Viewers were quick to savage the dress (Credit: ITV)

What outfit did Anne-Marie wear?

She continued: “So it was a contradiction really in itself. But then I got into the [music] industry and there were more people to be want to liked by and more people looking at me.”

However, despite her honesty, it wasn’t Anne-Marie’s struggles that viewers zeroed in on.

It was her remarkable, full-flowing, all-white dress that dominated discussion among those watching.

While some hated it, many thanked her for staying true to herself.

How did viewers react to Anne-Marie’s outfit?

The comments began straight away on Twitter.

One said: “The Michelin Man called hun, he wants his outfit back x #thismorning.”

In addition, another japed: “Miss Havisham on now… #ThisMorning.”

Read more: This Morning viewers call out Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby for using phones

“Nice to see she’s come as a teapot cosy,” a third quipped.

Subsequently, a fourth said: “Reminds me of an angel I had on the top of my Xmas tree once.

“Or the loo roll covers my mama used to have #thismorning.”

However, it wasn’t all bad – one viewer said, “thank you for being you [heart emoji]”.

Another gushed: “I like a pop star who makes an effort. She looks like a little Christmas tree fairy.”

A third tweeted: “Wow @AnneMarie you look stunning on @thismorning.”

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Nancy Brown
Acting Editor