This Morning viewers in tears over Phil’s sweet gesture to bullied schoolboy

What an amazing offer

Holly and Phil are well-known for getting fits of the giggles when on air, with laughter occasionally overtaking them.

But they also know when topics are more serious, and should be dealt with in a more sensitive manner.

That happened today on This Morning, during a section in which the pair took calls from people worried about bullying in schools.

They were joined by Lucy Alexander, whose son took his own life after being bullied, and Lauren Seager-Smith, the CEO of charity Kidscape.

Holly and Phil were talking about the new charity campaign they’re involved with, which is titled #BeKind – that aims to put a stop to bullying of children.

When they took a call from a lady known only as Sarah, viewers were shocked to learn of the bullying her son was suffering.

Sarah reported that her son had been tormented by bullies for over two years, with his school doing nothing to help resolve the issue.

And just a few days ago, he’d been allegedly assaulted in the playground at school, being bunched by his bullies.

Sarah said: “I am concerned for my son’s mental health, he’s saying that he wants to kill himself. My issue is that his self-confidence is lacking.

“Before he started that school he wanted to be a model or a Youtuber when he gets older. Now he doesn’t feel like he wants to do anything when he gets older.”

Phil and Holly were visibly moved by Sarah’s call, and Phil asked gently: “Do you think he would benefit from a day with us in here?”

“He can come down if he’s interested in that sort of stuff, he can look at the fashion department for the modelling side of things.

“He can also work with our camera guys if he’s interested in YouTubing.”

Phil then looked into the camera and addressed Sarah’s son directly, saying: “We think you’re amazing.”

The genuine care was immediately praised by legions of fans on Twitter, with one writing: “You’re bloody brilliant aren’t you” and another writing “Phillip you really are a beautiful human.”

Once again, Phil and Holly have both shown they’re truly caring individuals – we hope the #BeKind campaign helps lots of kids.

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor

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