Trust Me: Viewers threaten to switch off “boring” medical drama as show returns to BBC One

Telly fans think it has nothing on the first series

BBC medical thriller Trust Me is back on our screens for a second series, taking viewers to a different hospital with an all-new cast.

The four-part drama, which started last night (April 16th) on BBC One, features Harry Potter actor Alfred Enoch as army corporal Jamie McCain, who awakens paralysed from a spinal injury and finds his fears increasing as his fellow patients start to die around him.

Alfred Enoch played Dean Thomas in the Harry Potter films (Credit: BBC)

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Starring alongside Alfred as Dr Archie Watson is Scottish favourite John Hannah, following his emotive performance as Detective Steven Grover in legal drama The Victim.

John Hannah most recently starred in The Victim (Credit: BBC)

Despite the gripping set up, viewers were left feeling bored and wanting more than Trust Me was able to offer in its series two opener.

Some threatened to switch off and others admitted they turned over before the first episode even finished.

Corporal Jamie McCain is told there’s a killer on the ward (Credit: BBC)

Taking to Twitter, one disgruntled viewer wrote: “Switched it off, very slow and boring.”

A second tweeted, before the first episode was over: “Really disappointed in this new series of #TrustMe, will give it until the end of episode one and if it doesn’t improve/have a major plot twist I’ll be turning off. Season one was so gripping and so exciting. This has just been boring so far.”

Another commented: “This is really boring, stuck in a Scottish hospital ward with inadequate care. Need a change of scene pronto, or I’m off…”

Other bored viewers lamented the loss of series one’s cast and setting.

One said: “After series one and knowing Jodie and the original cast wouldn’t be returning, I expected it to be different – but the only thing that has remained is the name! This is not the same show in any way. It should of been renamed. I’m sorry, I don’t slate shows but this was boring.”

Someone else tweeted: “#TrustMe I know it was going to be different to the first series, but I didn’t expect it to change from exciting, fast-paced and cliffhangers to slow, boring and ‘meh’. The only similarity to series one is the over-use of lens flare!”

A third asked: “I wonder if #TrustMe was as boring to film as it is to watch.”

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The first series of Trust Me starred Yorkshire actress Jodie Whittaker, who is currently playing the first ever female Doctor Who.

– Trust Me continues on Tuesday (April 23rd) at 9pm on BBC One

What are your thoughts on the new series of Trust Me so far? Leave us a comment on our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix and let us know what you think.

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor