Usually when you tune into a cooking show it’s because you want to learn some new skills and find out how to make something a little out of your depth.
But when viewers tuned into This Morning the cooking segment was far from complicated.
We were taught how to boil and scramble eggs. We kid you not.
Students at Leeds University were taught how to boil an egg properly after many admitted to not having a clue how to do it.
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One of the shows presenters Alison Hammond was in Leeds with them, and they attempted to follow along with chef John Torode as he showed them what to do.
All the students failed to make an adequate hard boiled egg.
John, who was in the This Morning studio, then demonstrated how to jazz up scrambled eggs by adding crème fraîche.
But all quickly went downhill when one student sent the university kitchen up in smoke, as they had their pan on too hot.
Alison was seen trying to desperately fan the smoke away, as Phil and Holly laughed at the hoopla.
The lack of basic cooking skills coming from the students led to viewers’ outrage.
One frustrated viewer tweeted: “You really must be stupid if you can’t boil an egg ffs.”
Another said: “So Leeds uni can’t teach students how to boil an egg.”
A third tweeted: “What’s so difficult about boiling an egg ???”
“You must be running out of cooking ideas to show how to make scrambled/boiled eggs,” said a fourth.
A fifth said: “This lot will struggle to add boiled water to a Pot Noodle.”
Also on today’s show a brave blogger spoke out about her addiction to make-up which ended with her being sectioned.
Amy Robb, 24, discussed her path to recovery after first experiencing problems with her mental health as a teenager.
She told Holly and Phil that her addiction to make-up was so bad, she refused to let her boyfriend see her without a full face of slap and got up at 4am to spend at least an hour perfecting her look.
“I struggled with really bad acne for over ten years so I was putting on make-up to kind of hide from that,” she said.
“I was [due in work at six am] so I was up by four or, if my acne was even worse, it could be a quarter to four.
“It’s absolutely absurd looking back now that I was spending an hour and a half on my face but that was just my routine and I didn’t even bat an eyelid.
“It really infuriated me that I was spending all this time putting make-up on but it’s just what I thought I had to do.”
Amy explained that sometimes she wouldn’t even take her make-up off at night, she’d sleep in a full face of products, then do a touch up in the morning.
“I felt so unworthy and disgusting without it that I would have avoided mirrors without make-up on,” she said.
Amy attempted to take her own life at 17 and was sectioned for the first time.
On her release, she won her battle against anorexia but went on to develop trichotillomania, which is a condition where people feel compelled to pull out their hair, and her make-up addiction.
Holly explained that Amy’s depression then peaked and after attempting to take her own life again, she asked to be sectioned.
She was released but the treatment she received wasn’t working so she began to get worse, resulting in a third suicide attempt a few months later, which again saw her being sectioned.
Amy said she knew being in hospital wasn’t right for her and she was eager to be sent home, explaining: “I went into a mixed ward and I hadn’t left the house for months. I didn’t want to be around people.
“I knew I had to be away and get myself better. I was finally released and able to work on myself.
“I started blogging in March when I felt ready to go out and face the world again.
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“I wasn’t putting make-up on, I was working on me and figuring out who I was and what I wanted to do with myself. I felt like I knew then, that I had a purpose with the blogging and everything.”
Viewers were told that Amy didn’t have a simple or solo diagnosis: her trichotillomania was a form of obsessive compulsive disorder and the make-up addiction was a sub category of body dysmorphic disorder, which causes people to have a distorted view of how they look.
She also suffered with anxiety.