It’s time someone said it. American Horror Story is the worst show on television.
The Ryan Murphy-produced series has been dragging on for a decade now since it debuted with Murder House in 2011.
It wasn’t perfect by a long stretch, but season one kicked off a revival of shows that bring the scares. Without its success, shows such as Slasher (Netflix), Them (Amazon Prime) and Servant (Apple) would have never been made.
The show also started the much-needed Emma Roberts renaissance, and for that alone we must give it some credit.
But sadly, that’s where the compliments for this briefly sort-of-good-bordering-on-great show end.

American Horror Story 2021: Let it die!
Since 2011, Ryan Murphy has forced us to endure 10 seasons of nonsensical plots, barely-there narratives and a boat-load of style over substance.
It’s the televisual equivalent of falling for a guy just because they’re pretty, only to discover that there’s nothing going on behind his eyes.
Every year, stars such as Sarah Paulson and Evan Peters are wheeled out of whatever basement Ryan Murphy clearly has them locked in to play variants of the same characters in slightly different settings. Sarah plays “unhinged narcissist” very well, but after 10 seasons of her schtick, it’s painfully one-note.
Read more: American Horror Story: Series 10 teaser poster has viewers guessing ‘sirens’ theme
Horror is better than ever. What was once a niche genre is now one for which Hollywood stars are winning actual awards. So why are we enduring another season of a show that hasn’t delivered a note-worthy run since 2016?
Oh, and don’t get us started on spin-off American Horror Stories. Apparently, Ryan Murphy, aware of his unwavering inability to make a show with a plot that remains intact for more than three episodes, decided what we needed was his “talent” stretched even more thinly.

Please let American Horror story 2021 be its last
The show has been getting away with it for years under the guise of being “camp”.
This has to stop.
We define something as camp because of how enjoyable it is ironically. You know, despite actually being pretty terrible. Think Showgirls, Charlies Angels: Full Throttle and Jennifer Lopez’s acting career. Camp!
American Horror Story does not deserve such a definition. It’s long past being in the “so bad, it’s good” territory. Which happens to be a genre many shows have pulled off successfully. Shows such as Sex/Life, Miranda or… practically any original Netflix series, let’s face it.
Does anyone remember the end of the last Final Destination film? Where the characters all ended up at the very start of the series hurtling to their deaths on the same plane that crashed in the first film in a full-circle moment.
Perhaps that’s the case here. The 11th season of American Horror Story will, in fact, just be us, the fans, realising that we have been being tortured by a sadistic TV producer intent on trying to make us reach breaking point.
Well, Ryan Murphy, congratulations. You finally did it.
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