The World's Fattest Man viewers were shocked at how much he consumed

World’s Fattest Man viewers shocked as he details 10,000 calorie-a-day diet – which consisted of takeaways, 100 packets of crisps and 40 chocolate bars PER DAY

It was a truly shocking story

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The World’s Fattest Man: 10 Years On viewers were horrified by the diet that he consumed and blamed carers for feeding him.

ITV’s shocking documentary last night (Wednesday November 3) followed Paul Mason as he tried to lose weight after he spiralled to almost 80 stone.

The World's Fattest Man viewers were shocked at how much he consumed
Viewers were shocked at how much Paul consumed (Credit: ITV)

What happened on The World’s Fattest Man on ITV and what did Paul Mason consume?

The documentary showed how Paul got to that weight – thanks to trauma, the 61-year-old revealed he began to binge eat.

His diet at the time included takeaways, 100 bags of crisps and 40 chocolate bars a day.

Read more: The World’s Fattest Man on ITV1: Why hospital staff planned to have Paul Mason cremated in an abattoir

Cameras followed him on his weight-loss journey, which included having a gastric band fitted by the NHS and skin removal surgery in the US.

Things were looking good for Paul – a girlfriend in America and down to 19 stone.

But unfortunately, after his relationship with his girlfriend ended, Paul has now relapsed and is back at 38 stone.

How did viewers react to the show?

However, viewers were shocked at what he consumed to get him to that weight.

One said on Twitter: “40 chocolate bars and a hundred packets of crisps… a DAY?!?! [shocked-face emoji] #WorldsFattestMan.”

Another exclaimed: “Well, I thought I had a bit of an addiction to crisps, but 100 bags a day? Pardon? #TheWorldsFattestMan #WorldsFattestMan.”

A third wrote: “40 chocolate bars & 100 packets of crisps a day.

“Say you slept 7hrs that’s over 3 choc bars & 6 packets of crisps every hour! I can’t believe my eyes here.

“He’s got down to 52stone at this point losing over 30stone #worldsfattestman.”

The World's Fattest Man on ITV
Some viewers blamed the carers for feeding him (Credit: ITV)

Blaming the carers

Despite deep-seated trauma, loneliness and depression – and his plea for therapy – viewers were also shocked at the role carers seemingly played in Paul’s terrifying weight gain.

One said on Twitter: “Stop feeding him so much! I blame the carer #worldsfattestman.”

Another wrote angrily: “Whoever is bringing him the food is part of the problem, [bleepin] hell its not rocket science, also don’t give him the money for takeaways #worldsfattestman.”

Read more: Coleen Nolan reveals incredible weight loss transformation after turning vegan

A third said: “He can’t leave bed, yet his diet was 10,000+calories a day.

“The only way he could access food is via his carers, so why did they give him it? If they were to give him a salad, he could eat it or not, he would soon choose to eat it.

“That’s a failure on their part. #worldsfattestman.”

Former Fattest Man In The World: “I’m Putting On Weight And Need Help” | This Morning

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Nancy Brown
Acting Editor